All of Submissive Guy’s Comics are wonderful, but when he pays me the compliment of referencing me… well… *swoony happy sigh*.

So completely adorable! Happies!!
If you’re not following his tumblr yet, you should (and in case you aren’t aware, if you add /rss to the end of the tumblr web address, you can get him delivered straight to your reader).
He is super talented, and a pretty cool guy too.
*smile* Truth!
He’s a total sweetheart!
That’s GREAT! He did super good work there and I love the snippet he used from your book. It’s a perfect fit.
It is SO great!! I love it!! *bounce*
I love Submissive Guy Comics. In particular, I love that he focuses so much on the tender moments rather than sexiness or humor. I just wish there were more of the comics.
*nod* Me too. His comics are *all the sweetness*. So lovely!
That is sooooo spiffy! I totally ought to write a blog and have cartoons and stuff done like this but you know…. chocolate! oh and apathy yeah that right there
*laugh* Just find an amenable submissive and say “Look, just PRETEND I write a blog, and have written some stuff: Now go and make me an awesome cartoon about it, mmkay? Off you go!”
I love his work! and yours apparently! Since I shared this on my tumblr when I first saw it with a brief promo for you and link back. I assumed it was ok… maybe should have asked. It’s not my habit to do so. Bravo to you both for crazy talentedness!
oht, no… must have been another reference to your book I linked back… sowwy. Was just fawning over you on this one. *blush*
You have a tumblr? Y U no link it here?
You are most welcome to link and promo your heart out (thank you!!).
And now I am confused by your apology, but I appreciate ALL THE LINKAGES!!
It’s my wicked naughty side over there… and I don’t know how to share my page here?
The ramble apology was about my linking your book in yet another Ferns reference on my tumblr when you first put it out there for us all. I thought it was this comic, but no.
But anyway… yay you made it to submissive guy’s comic!
“It’s my wicked naughty side over there… and I don’t know how to share my page here?”
Oh! When you leave a comment, there should be three fields: Name, Email, Website above the comment box. Just put your tumblr address in the website field – we ALL want to see your wicked naughty side!! It should remember it after you have done it once.
“But anyway… yay you made it to submissive guy’s comic!”
*smile* YES!! YAY!!!
like this?
YES!! :))
Woot! Pretty pictures!