Yes, Virginia…

…the shoe pics ARE my feet…

I have had a few people asking lately “Are they your feet?”

I find that sweet and funny… It makes me wonder where they think the photos might have come from if they aren’t of me and taken by me. They cannot be mistaken for professional photos, they are, frankly, terrible shots done on a dinky little point-n-click… *chuckle*

So, yes Virginia, they ARE my feet…

Loves: 5
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  1. Hi Sx…. and also of course we are now so used to people posting pictures that are not them!! Oh how the net makes us cynical!
    xxx amusoman

  2. slapshot: “They all “know” that it's your feet. It was all just a conspiracy to get you to re-post those lovely shoe pics.”

    Ahhh… thank you for unlocking the secret motivations of the sneaky ones.

    Perhaps they are really angling for kinky kidnap style photos with my bare feet beside a paper with today's date or some such…


  3. Anonymous: “…and also of course we are now so used to people posting pictures that are not them!! Oh how the net makes us cynical!”

    True, but then, would I not also lie when asked? I so would!!

    At the very least, the munch shoes have a documented witness*laugh*, but then, the fabulous Mistress160 could be lying also and be a part of my intricate woven web of intrigue!


  4. Anita: “Will you ever post a picture of your feet?”

    I had not considered it… the *shoes* are the pretty things to me!


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