Kick-arse boots

Not the sort of girlie stilettos you are used to seeing here… these are my kick-arse winter boots… (and yes, it *is* winter… brrrr!!)…

If you can’t see my feet, and they aren’t ‘sexy’ boots (ok, well I think they are, but I’m a little funny like that), do these photos actually have any fetish value at all? Discuss.

Loves: 7
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  1. Tamed Lion: “Not being a boot fetishes I couldn't say, but I do like the look of them.”

    Thank you – you and I have excellent taste!


  2. “(and yes, it *is* winter… brrrr!!)”

    Hold on now…It's winter there? So do you have Christmas now? Or do you wait until the summer? And wouldn't that mean that kids get their “summer” break during the winter? How does that make any sense…

    And why do you even need boots? Does it even snow in Australia?

  3. The boots look just right for an army outfit and an interrogation of the poor captive to obtain his most dark and hidden secrets.


  4. Sassy: “Fantastic boots. I love how soft the leather is and the buckles are yummy.”

    *nod nod* I agree! These are a year or two old now, and I still just love them.


  5. slapshot: “Those boots and a Harley Chopper … OH HELL YEAH!!!”

    So, you're a biker moll, hmmmm? Who would have thunk it…? *takes notes*


  6. Brids: “It's winter there?”

    Errmmm… yes.

    “So do you have Christmas now?”

    No silly, Santa Claus only comes out of hiding once a year!

    “Or do you wait until the summer?”

    Errmmm… Christmas is on the same date everywhere regardless of the season, so yes, we wait for 25th Dec like everyone else and it's summer.

    “And wouldn't that mean that kids get their “summer” break during the winter?”

    No, we get our big school holidays at the end of the year, over summer, at the same time as Christmas, on 25th Dec.

    “How does that make any sense…”

    *laugh* Because there are other places in the world apart from America? Come visit, I will show you.

    “And why do you even need boots?”

    “Need” is not a word that fits into my vocabulary when we are discussing shoes of any sort…

    “Does it even snow in Australia?”

    Yes, yes it does. We even have skiing!


  7. robert: “The boots look just right for an army outfit and an interrogation of the poor captive to obtain his most dark and hidden secrets.”

    There's a link to *something* D/s-ey… at least I can pretend the post was on-topic then! Thanks, robert.


  8. “Errmmm… Christmas is on the same date everywhere regardless of the season, so yes, we wait for 25th Dec like everyone else and it's summer.”

    Ok, so say you get Christmas break in December, which would end mid January. Then you'd get the summer break which should last about two months so that's the middle of march, then you'd need to get spring break, which would be fall break for you I guess, so that's another 2 weeks. So wouldn't that add up to like a 4 month holiday? There's no way it works like that though, cause everyone would forget everything.

    “Come visit, I will show you.”

    Can I barrow $3000? =P

    “Yes, yes it does. We even have skiing!”

    But where do all the tropical giant man eating spiders go?

  9. Sorry to say, but not sexy.
    At least I'm pretty sure they're not. Perhaps if you posted pics of you in other boots so we could compare…

  10. Hey, those are tanker boots, or tanker boot inspired boots.
    The ankle strap keeps the boot securely on your foot without shifting.

  11. I feel unfair just saying “not sexy”.
    I think because the boots are very manly but are being worn by a girly girl girl then I just don't “buy it.”

    It's like a man trying to wear a dress. Even if he feels himself to be tremendously feminine it's just something an outsider isn't going to see

    You didn't say in your post how wearing the boots made you feel. Especially if they make you feel different from wearing the shiny f*ck-me boots that we all know and love and really love and get quite confused and trembly when thinking about especially if they're very pointy with little chains on them and….


  12. Anonymous said *It's like a man trying to wear a dress. Even if he feels himself to be tremendously feminine it's just something an outsider isn't going to see*

    I am not flaming you Anonymous, but I really think sexy is more how we feel about ourselves rather than how others see us.

    If your only concern is the perception of ohers why bother? At that point what you think or feel doesn't really matter, does it?


  13. Poor you – it's 32°C here *snickers* :3 mwaha.
    I like the boots, though ;)
    How cold does it get in Australia?

    @Brids: *chuckles* giant spiders, scorpios and snakes are the first things that come to my mind when thinking of Australia, too …

  14. To me leather on a woman drives me nuts whether they are intended that way or not, and i definitely would rather see a woman in boots like those than something pink (sorry i just dont like pink). Besides its not the boots its how the person inside those boots portray themselves.


  15. miladymao: “omg I can see your fingers – now they'll come and find you Ferns”

    This so made me laugh! Don't worry, I have used acid to get rid of all of my fingerprints, I am unfindable!! Bwuhahahaha… etc…


  16. Ferns:

    Do the boots have any fetish value? Fetish is not simply a visual thing, and our imagination can either enhance or detract from the fetish value.

    Just an example with these boots. There are many things you can do that would enhance their fetish value in the eyes of someone you are partnered to or playing with.

    You can bring them out only when a particularly kind of play is going to transpire – the partner will begin to associate the boots with your mood or your expectations for his demeanor while wearing them.

    You can outline particular rituals for your partner when you are wearing them. How they are to be worshipped, polished, or even buckled! Where his head, body, or privates are to be placed beneath them when you don these boots…

    You like these boots, and you are dominant, so you can do many things to make them special in your kink play!

  17. Brids: “…so say you get Christmas break in December, which would end mid January… etc”

    School gets about 2 months over summer. We working plebs get only a few days over Xmas.

    “Can I barrow $3000?”

    Sure, come get it *laugh*

    “But where do all the tropical giant man eating spiders go?”

    They normally stay on the beginners' slopes.


  18. Anonymous: “Sorry to say, but not sexy.”

    No need to be sorry, it's ok.

    “At least I'm pretty sure they're not. Perhaps if you posted pics of you in other boots so we could compare…”

    You mean like this? No no, I could never do that!


  19. Anonymous: “Hey, those are tanker boots, or tanker boot inspired boots.”

    Oh! I like that term… 'tanker boots'. Very butch!


  20. Anonymous: “You didn't say in your post how wearing the boots made you feel. Especially if they make you feel different from wearing the shiny f*ck-me boots…”

    Yes, definitely different. These are practical boots that I don't think much about wearing… I put them on, and I stomp around not giving them another thought.

    The shiny f*ck-me boots make me very aware that I am wearing them. They are nowhere near as comfortable, they make me walk differently, they make me feel like I am prowling, they are attention seeking boots.


  21. N: “Poor you – it's 32°C here *snickers* :3 mwaha.”

    Yes, you sound so very very sorry!!

    “I like the boots, though”

    Thank you!

    “How cold does it get in Australia?”

    Australia is pretty big so it varies. We have ski fields down south, average minimum around -8C this month (it got down to -23C once). Here where I am, though, 11C minimum (yes, yes, I'm a wimp!).


  22. Sassy: “I really think sexy is more how we feel about ourselves rather than how others see us.”

    That is such an interesting point, and I think both sides (how I feel + how others see me) have to play a part.

    If I *feel* sexy, I project 'sexy'… it's self fulfilling. But I do get influenced by the reactions of others (either positively or negatively).

    “If your only concern is the perception of ohers why bother? At that point what you think or feel doesn't really matter, does it?”

    It can't be the only concern, but it's hard to argue that the perception of others makes no difference. Perhaps it *shouldn't* but it does.

    If I go out feeling fabulous and for some reason get some negative comments (not necessarily nasty, but 'oh, you look tired', 'are you coming down with something' etc), it's likely that it will put a dent in my 'I'm fabulous' feeling. By the same token, when people say lovely things, it bolsters your sexy.


  23. Anonymous: “As long as it's not Julia Gillard. (sort of a combination of all three)”

    Did you bring politics into my sex blog? Shame on you! Go and stand in the corner!


  24. bratty: “To me leather on a woman drives me nuts whether they are intended that way or not”

    *smile* oh, you're so easily pleased!

    “Besides its not the boots its how the person inside those boots portray themselves.”

    Yes, absolutely right. Unless they are pink. Then it really is about the boots…


  25. Serving B: “Fetish is not simply a visual thing, and our imagination can either enhance or detract from the fetish value…”

    You made some really good points about associations, thank you.

    “You like these boots, and you are dominant, so you can do many things to make them special in your kink play!”

    Well, I wear them pretty much all the time in winter. When I have a submissive, he puts them on me when I wear them and takes them off me when I am done, then he treats them and puts them away. Same with all my shoes, really.

    Not kinky, but useful.


  26. Ferns,

    “Yes, absolutely right. Unless they are pink. Then it really is about the boots…”

    Naw even if they are pink its still about the person inside them to me, I just dont like the color pink on myself and not much into pink the color generally lol. Always a pleasure Fern.


  27. Fern: If I *feel* sexy, I project 'sexy'… it's self fulfilling. But I do get influenced by the reactions of others (either positively or negatively)…. but it's hard to argue that the perception of others makes no difference. Perhaps it *shouldn't* but it does.


    I know how easy it is to feel bad when someone is not positive. That is why I try so hard not to let someone else's negative attitude get me down. If I refuse to validate a negative opinion, I am happier and stronger.

    Ultimately if I am the man who feels pretty wearing a dress and I am hearing less than positive comments, I am going to search until I find those who are more supportive.

    I know my reaction is strong, but I have dealt with many people who didn't like who I was and wanted to change me. To be an emotionally stable person I have to be happy and that means while accepting well-meant criticism I cannot allow the negativity to affect me.

    I will try to play nicer with others….


  28. Anonymous R: “I would LOVE to know where you got them”

    Sorry, R. They are a couple of years old now, and I have recently been looking for a replacement pair, and can't find any like them…!


  29. Anonymous: “The fetish value of these boots are particularly high because your feet are inside them!”

    Dingdingdingding!! We have a winner… that is *so* the right answer! *laugh*


  30. Sassy: “If I refuse to validate a negative opinion, I am happier and stronger.”

    Absolutely agree and that's a wonderful way to be.

    “I know my reaction is strong, but I have dealt with many people who didn't like who I was and wanted to change me. To be an emotionally stable person I have to be happy and that means while accepting well-meant criticism I cannot allow the negativity to affect me.”

    It takes a lot of strength to get to that point, so good for you! I think the worst part of negativity is that it will always hurt most in the places where you are most vulnerable, like digging into an existing wound… If you can let those things slide past without impact, that's a great skill to have.

    “I will try to play nicer with others….”

    I think you played perfectly nicely, Sassy. I appreciate very much that you brought it to the table, so thank you.


  31. Anonymous: “I found a similar boot style, but it is branded horribly with the Harley logo.”

    Quite a bit chunkier around the sole, but really close, thank you!

    As for the logo, by the time someone is in a position to see it, they really aren't going to care so much…


  32. Not the same kind of sexy. A different kind of sexy. I always wished I could pull off a bad-ass boot. The closest I’ve ever come was a pair of steel-toed work boots. I needed them for work, though. So, yaknow. Not too bad-ass.

  33. needless to say I”m a little late on this one but damn, I thought it was widely acknowledged someone feminine-presenting wearing badass boots was one of the best things ever! see River Tam in Firefly…

    ”I think because the boots are very manly but are being worn by a girly girl girl then I just don’t “buy it.”

    It’s like a man trying to wear a dress. Even if he feels himself to be tremendously feminine it’s just something an outsider isn’t going to see’

    what the hell?? I kinda feel like anonymous wrote off 75% of my sexuality xd That interplay between what we perceive as feminine and masculine coexisting in the same person is, imo, one of the most enticing things.

    hope you still have the boots, Ferns! thankyou for the blog xx

    1. Thank you for your comment way back here :).

      I’m not convinced that someone not liking my thing (or your thing or someone else’s thing) ‘writes off’ anyone’s sexuality, though I do understand why it would get your back up, especially when it’s not carefully expressed as a personal opinion in a myriad of valid options.

      I do NOT still have those boots. The soles split and were unrepairable *sad face*. My go-to winter boots now are much different – I should put another picture up when winter slips around… :).


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