Who wears the pants? Are there pants?

Dishevelled Domina has written a great post about F/m D/s relationships, drawing attention to the fallacy of female supremacy and female led relationships (FLRs) as the ‘One True Way of D/s’ for dominant women and submissive men to be in a relationship.

While I agree with the overall point (that F/m relationships do not have to be defined in any one way, except to suit the participants), and her preference is equality in her own … Continue Reading

Loves: 2
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Sunday curiosity #12

In this post, I am answering questions asked by the lovely N in the last Sunday curiosity comments.

“Were you always a “private player” (did I get that right?) or was there a time when you did enjoy playing at parties, gatherings and the like?

Yes, you got that right!! And no I wasn’t always. I actually started out playing in public, but I didn’t do it a lot because I learnt quite quickly that … Continue Reading

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This is what a scam looks like

So, you (submissive male ‘you’) have emailed with someone for a while, she seems perfect, she ‘gets’ you, you have a lot in common, she likes your kinks, she thinks you are special. Then she asks for money. You go ‘hang on!’ and you baulk.

Then she sends something like this (actual email below). It is designed to hit every insecurity and doubt button you may have.

I am disappointed that you seem to want

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Loves: 27
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Little things

Things that made me happy today:

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Boy under her heels

She has on her new ankle boots, black leather, stiletto heels, stockings… she has them on, at home, in the house. His eyes are wide as he takes in the clingy black dress, the red lipstick. On the table, water crackers and various cheeses; brie, camembert, vintage cheddar, what looks like Edam. She is leaning back comfortably in the black leather swivel chair, legs crossed, a boot swinging hypnotically back and forth. She has a … Continue Reading

Loves: 13
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Last chance for surveyosity

The survey is now closed…

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to respond… much fun!!!

I am rubbing my hands together with glee over the impending graph porn.


I will be closing the oft-pimped survey tomorrow, so if you want to give me a piece of your mind (the pink bits please, not the grey wrinkly bits…), then have at it… go on, you know you want to!!

Then, Continue Reading

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Sunday curiosity #11

Thank you so much to those who asked questions… fun!! This ended up being a hugely long post!! Get coffee, and a packed lunch, and maybe some alcohol.

N: Have you ever “subbed”? :D

Yes, I have.

My first foray into real life BDSM was as a submissive after exploring my dominant side online. My femsub friend and I met a very experienced maledom in a chat room and agreed to meet him. I … Continue Reading

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