Admonishments said out loud: Audio

Domme Chronicles podcast cover
Domme Chronicles
Admonishments said out loud: Audio

In this post, I fulfilled a couple of other reader requests from my ‘Dommes don’t speak, they raawwwrr‘ post who wanted to hear me telling them what to do, all stern-like.

This was surprisingly difficult.

With the first one, to make it interesting, I had to kind of set up the entire scenario. In real life, I’d be much more likely just to go, “Go and do the chores, boy” and expect him to get up off his arse and go do it.

With the second, I was given a script that doesn’t at all reflect how I would try to motivate someone.

Still, it was much fun and strangeness to give it a go, so thank you for the requests!

Here we go…

No more computer until you have done your chores!

Get out there and exercise!

These recordings courtesy of requests by:

Loves: 22
Please wait…


  1. If I was not playing on my computer I could not hear what you expected from me,of course I know that all chores are mine.
    I hope to get things done in time because I am really looking forward to the talking afterwards.
    Is it you that will be talking ? Or is it the language of the paddle that I will be hearing.

    Somewhere deep inside I hope to hear you both.

    Thanks many ways.


    1. “Is it you that will be talking ?”

      No, you will be talking, explaining to me in detail why I had to chase you to get the chores done and how you are going to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

      “Or is it the language of the paddle that I will be hearing.”

      Pffttt… you wish! When you don’t please me, play is the furthest thing from my mind.

      “Thanks many ways.”

      *smile* You’re very welcome.


  2. Too funny!… If you’re not motivated by those, then you must be dead… or at least dead drunk.

      1. Of course… (Well,All except for the fifteen thousand dollars of surplus parts I have to return… *sigh*)

        I might have to listen to that again!

  3. Dear Ferns…i will be up at 6:00 am tomorrow…please dont cut me off!!
    i will do it!! You inspire me so much!!
    Thank you Ferns! Thank you so very much!! Wonderful inspiration! And seeing my brother just had a quadruple bipass…it could be life saving!

    1. I hope you really *were* up at 6am this morning…

      And you are very welcome. It was fun and if it *does* motivate you, then all the better.

      I do hope your brother is doing well after such a serious operation.


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