Q&A: What do I do with him?

I had a lovely submissive boy over for play, but in the middle of it, I had him in bondage, and I could see that he wanted and needed ‘something else, and I honestly just didn’t know what to do with him, so I ended the session. I think he probably left really disappointed.

Has anyone else been in this kind of situation? What can I do to be better prepared for a scene … Continue Reading

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Q&A: Labia fascism

I am 24 I still struggle with the fact that I have one labia larger then the other (in a big way) and I really do not know how to over come this.


Grrrrr… I hate hate HATE that now our labia may not be ‘good enough’, words cannot express how much I hate it.

We see relatively few depictions of different shapes of women’s vaginas, they are not on display like cocks … Continue Reading

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This is what a scam looks like

So, you (submissive male ‘you’) have emailed with someone for a while, she seems perfect, she ‘gets’ you, you have a lot in common, she likes your kinks, she thinks you are special. Then she asks for money. You go ‘hang on!’ and you baulk.

Then she sends something like this (actual email below). It is designed to hit every insecurity and doubt button you may have.

I am disappointed that you seem to want

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Loves: 26
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Q&A – Big dick subs (yes, really!)

Q&A from Fetlife discussions…

I hear big-dick subs are rare. Have any women been searching for a big-dick sub and would you accept a first-timer on account of his meeting the physical standards you desire?

~rolls eyes~ Yes, you are sooo rare and a speshul snowflake and all the dominant wimmins will want you because you have a sizable dick because that is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER and most submissive men don’t … Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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Q&A – Protocol

Continuing my experiment with Q&A from Fetlife discussions…

1. Is protocol an integral part of your kink, and if so, are your protocols more physical (kneeling, posture,etc) or verbal (use of titles, granting permission to speak)

I have a mixture of both, they are pretty light and they are at my whim.

2. Does protocol to you mean specific ritual actions and phrases that are for play only, or,

No, some are constants.

3.Are protocols

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Q&A – Nurturing

Original Question:

What do you say or do with your subs to nurture them, make them feel loved and supported?

My Response:

Kissing, always and more. Lots of physical contact, petting, I like to wrap myself around him, all legs and arms and skin contact. I whisper “Hello, beautiful” or some such to bring him to me, it is a checking in, an acknowledgement, a calling him home. Making him look me in the eye … Continue Reading

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Fetlife and advice thrown willy nilly into the void

I post a lot on Fetlife discussion forums.

Occasionally I look at comments I have written and think “I should blog about that”, and I promptly forget about it file it away carefully. The ideas disappear into the ether because for it to be ‘a blog post’, I need to remember where the damn comment was, clean it up for ‘proper publication, put it in context, add enough personal bias to make it offensive, and … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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