Kissing play parties

People go to play parties and hit strangers with implements…

I would rather go to a play party, find some beautiful boy with a stunning, full lipped, ‘hurt me’ mouth and a shy demeanour, shove him into a corner and just make out like he is the last drink of water in the desert. To build it up excruciatingly slowly so he doesn’t see the violence coming, to make his lips bleed and his eyes … Continue Reading

Loves: 3
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As always

I am thinking, as always, about kissing you, about your mouth, how it shapes that ‘oh’ of anticipation when I bring my lips close to you, how you wait wait wait and try so hard not to reach for me, they are almost unbearable, those moments of denial.

I am torn, as always, by what I want, by wanting it all at once, by wanting to take it and have it and leave nothing behind.… Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Sleep kisses

I shuffle back until I am flush against him, his chest, stomach, cock pressed against me, warm, comforting, I pull his arm around me, the cuff cold between my breasts. I rock him gently, back and forth, back and forth, so tired, but I miss him when his mouth is not accessible to me, when I can’t see his face, when I can’t pet his puppy head. I have to turn around to face him, … Continue Reading

Loves: 5
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Kissing party


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Loves: 1
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I hate to wait, I hate it, hate it, hate it. I have no patience… when I want something, I want it now now NOW…

And I am waiting…

I want to bring you into the room over and over, because once is not enough after all the waiting.

The first time, I will grab you around the neck and shove you up against the wall before you have a chance to get your bearings, … Continue Reading

Loves: 1
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Button pushing

Before he leaves, there is more violent kissing, I shove him up against the fridge, banging his head against it, once, twice, he keeps his hands behind him, he doesn’t touch me, he just stands helpless in the face of my attack as he moans into my mouth.

He reaches for me when I pull away out of the kiss, he reaches for softness, straining to touch my lips with his, trying to keep contact … Continue Reading

Loves: 2
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I am tired and trying to work and thinking instead about shoving you into that corner at the airport, you, shy and uncertain, and I just want to get something from you, anything, right now, straight away, and I want to hear you, in my ear, in my mouth, breathe for me and gasp a little when I take your mouth and smash into your teeth and feel it reverberate and you have nowhere to … Continue Reading

Loves: 2
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