My first crush

I was tiny, a child, maybe 3 or 4 years old. I don’t know.

His name was Johnny. He was not a child. He was a grown man, the son of one of my parents friends. I have no idea how old he was, but he wasn’t an ‘older boy’, he was a proper grown up.

He was a in the navy, I must have seen in him in his uniform at least once. I … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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Boys with sex voices

A few emails exchanged with a Texan boy: he’s smart, fun, there is some light flirtation. He emails a throw-away line after making appreciative compliments about one of my recordings:

“If I had a clip of myself I’d send it to you.”

I tease him back.

“So is it your contention that you have no possible way to record an audio clip? Is that what you are saying?

Or are you saying … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Traditional power signifiers and D/s

I like to think I’m above it, of course: giving value to traditional power signifiers conveyed by social norms.

But I’m not.

Education, sophistication, success, intelligence, achievement, wealth are all ways that many of us ‘traditionally’ place people on the power spectrum. I know some of you are now going ‘not all of us!’ and I know that. I ALSO want to go ‘not me!’, but that’s not true. I’m pretty solidly middle class and … Continue Reading

Loves: 10
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NaBloRrrrawrMo – The end

NaBloWriMo[SubmissiveGuyComics is also doing a post for our NaBloWriMo project, though he’s hiding some of them on Twitter so if you aren’t following him, you should… ]


Aaannndd… day 30 of NaBloRrrrawrMo. 30 days of posts for November. Thirty days: THIRTY-TWO POSTS!

*flops on the couch*

This kind of ‘forced’ writing is interesting. I think it’s good for me. I posted things I would normally sit on for ages, and perhaps … Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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NaBloWriMo[SubmissiveGuyComics is also doing a post for our NaBloWriMo project, though he’s hiding some of them on Twitter so if you aren’t following him, you should… ]


There are people on the internet who will lie to you.


So shocking!!!


This is not a public service announcement.

I know people lie. Or hide things, BIG things. Of course I know this.

That doesn’t surprise or baffle me. People … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Once upon a time when I was a lesbian…

NaBloWriMo[SubmissiveGuyComics is also doing a post for our NaBloWriMo project, though he’s hiding some of them on Twitter so if you aren’t following him, you should… ]


I sometimes jokingly say ‘once upon a time when I was a lesbian…’. It sounds frivolous, and it is a lighthearted reference, but it refers to a really important part of my life, and one I struggled with, though perhaps not for the obvious reasons.… Continue Reading

Loves: 10
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NaBloWriMo[SubmissiveGuyComics is also doing a post for our NaBloWriMo project, though he’s hiding some of them on Twitter so if you aren’t following him, you should… ]


There is a lot to be said for being able to see how potential partners interact with others.

I have met pretty much all of my submissives online, so before we meet, the most I can see of them beyond our private interaction is how … Continue Reading

Loves: 5
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