Wooed, pursued, romanced

Dumb Domme was asked a question about submissive men pitching woo. In her response, she referenced a post by Mistress Lilyana about her frustration that she was never romanced by submissive men and she pointed to a conversation that the three of us had about it on twitter.

I left a ranty comment on Mistress Lilyana’s post at the time and then wrote an equally ranty post here (I’d actually forgotten all about … Continue Reading

Loves: 20
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PSA: Some dominants are arseholes

I hear it a lot when some self-identified dominant behaves like a jerk: “They aren’t dominant, they’re just an arsehole.”

It annoys the crap out of me.

Let me tell you a little secret. Come closer now…

The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

I know!! Shocker, right?!

Some dominants ARE arseholes. Also emotionally stunted, insensitive, selfish, rude, stupid, jerk-faced fuck ups.

You don’t get to to say that those people aren’t dominant as if dominance is … Continue Reading

Loves: 15
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Crossposting from Tumblr

“I follow quite a few dominant women on Tumblr, and it’s not unusual to see quite a bit of objectification of men…
But seeing some of the pictures… makes me feel self conscious about the fact that my body isn’t in the shape I want it to be in (although I’m working on it). I’ll probably never be like those guys in the pictures I see posted here. I don’t know if

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Loves: 30
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Reader Q&A: How to explain that he wants to be ‘used’

I really want to do a bunch of ‘How to’ posts to cover ‘hints and tips for newbies’ because I see these kinds of questions all the time from both potential submissives and from potential dominants. They’re great questions that many people struggle with in one way or another.

Hello. when answering questions you often say to new Dom’s not take the airy fairy stuff like ‘I want to fulfil all your fantasies’ and ask Continue Reading

Loves: 25
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Audio porn: Men moaning

I love the sound of a man experiencing sexual pleasure. Not coming, necessarily, though I like that also, but all the sounds that lead up to that point. Oh yes please.

I used to have my last submissive send me audio porn *all the time*. It was like an obsession for me. I loved it so much. So fucking hot.

Mostly I would give him instructions on how I wanted him to masturbate. There … Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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On women in the world

I don’t write about social or political issues in this blog, or on twitter, or on my tumblr. Not because I don’t have views or opinions, but because this is not a place where I want to discuss them. If I wanted to have those discussions, I’d create a space for them.

I also don’t do it because I don’t have the wherewithal to be angry all the time, or horrified, or hurt. … Continue Reading

Loves: 28
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World travel

My train of thought on an idle Sunday evening:

Hmmm… I wonder what I’ll do when my landlord kicks me out of here… (and he will, sooner or later).

You know what I could do?

Go and live in another country for a few months! I mean, it’s expensive to live here: I can easily find a place to live that costs much less: somewhere interesting, vibrant, different. If I lived there for a few … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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