Dreamy-eyed boys

“So, yeah. I’m still kinda all dreamy-eyed for you.”

I so love the impractical boys, the creative swimmy ones who say things like this, the ones who float.

I am not like that. Not really at all.

And maybe that’s why I love them so. Their ethereal existence has open spaces in it, and I can slip in, like smoke on a breeze, and find my place in there, in their blood and cells, insinuating … Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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Sleeping together

I don’t sleep well with another in my bed. I don’t sleep well at all for the most part. This tenuous relationship with sleep makes it precious, sacrosanct. There are few things more irritating than having my sleep interfered with.

I need to feel very comfortable with someone to want them in my bed, and if I don’t have that level of comfort, I don’t share well. I will lie there restless, unable to relax, … Continue Reading

Loves: 22
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First lesbian love

My first love was a woman, well, a girl really.

I was 17, she was a year ahead of me at school. She was fun and hilarious and street-smart in a way I wasn’t. An athlete, with that long-limbed lithe body that young athletes have. Full of that kind of careless body confidence that comes from knowing what those limbs and muscles are capable of, and a self awareness that results in a loping casual … Continue Reading

Loves: 38
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On getting older

I recently had a birthday (how did you miss it?! I was bleating on endlessly about it…).

I’m 48 now, and saying that out loud gives me a bit of a shock. I’m not sure what 48 is supposed to feel like, but like a lot of people as they get older, I don’t *feel* as old as my years so when I say it out loud, I’m mentally going “WTF?!!”.

I felt 32 for … Continue Reading

Loves: 14
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Once upon a time I was kind of a bitch

I think in a lot of ways, I was much more domlydomdomdomlydominant when I was young, and vanilla. In the days before I’d even heard of BDSM.

You know why?

I never gave it a moment’s thought.

I didn’t negotiate.

I didn’t discuss.

I just did my thing and the men who were interested in me either got with the program or they were left behind. I never thought in terms of ‘dominance’ or ‘power’ … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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Supporting your dominant’s dominance

Sometimes submissives ask how they can help their dominant (especially their *new* dominant) become more comfortable in her dominance.

Come here, and I will let you in on a secret…



Here it is:


Seriously. Do that.

I know it sounds as if I am being cute or something, but I’m not.

Do you want to know what I probably needed most from my submissive when I was finding my feet?

  • A safe
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Loves: 28
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Good conversation/bad conversation

Good conversation:

  • A topic/discussion point
  • Some back and forth…
  • The above sparks another topic
  • Oh and by the way, this other thing
  • Hahahhahaha (because obviously, I am fucking funny!)
  • Wry observation about something random
  • Some flirting, blushing, sweetness
  • Back to the topic with another thought
  • No way! I actually think something else!
  • Heated discussion
  • Segue into a new topic
  • and etc.

Bad conversation:

  • Question
  • Answer
  • Another question
  • Another answer
  • and etc.
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Loves: 12
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