Inexperience is hot

I don’t seek out inexperienced submissives, nor do I like submissives *because* of it, but I do love inexperience. It is fresh and sweet and innocent.

When I bring an inexperienced submissive with me into a kind of relationship that he has never been in before, I get to see everything with fresh eyes, as if it’s the first time for me also, and in so many ways, it *is*. I get the incredible privilege … Continue Reading

Loves: 26
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Look, pussies!

I get sick of ‘porn pussies’ and how their ubiquitous uniformity makes women feel as if their vulvas are abnormal/ugly/embarrassing/wrong.

Women are bombarded with enough ways to feel bad about ourselves (don’t even get me started on the idea that now our *orgasms* aren’t good enough unless they are multiples that are triggered by a man just touching us lightly with a single finger, and where we squirt buckets all over the walls).

I’ve writtenContinue Reading

Loves: 8
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Random memories: First love

It was scorching hot, summer at the beach in the days when being tanned was the thing and gladly-offered sacrifices to get there included baby oil and sweat dripping from everywhere.

She’d walked out of the surf topless earlier in the day, I had watched her striding towards me up the beach.

I felt, for the first time that I can recall, unbridled lust as she came towards me. A punch in the stomach so … Continue Reading

Loves: 19
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How to get a Domme to shut up…

[Snippet of an IM conversation with a lovely flirty boy who lives nowhere near me… I am sensibly and tediously talking about the difference between remote connection and real life…]

Him: You wouldn’t like to know what I feel like?

Me: You forget that I have experience with this… of meeting someone and ‘it’ was just not there, though remotely it very much seemed like it was. Chemistry is indefinable, so my point … Continue Reading

Loves: 15
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Next time

I like it when you falter, are made shy and unsure.

Not by me, really, though there is that.

It comes from you: That voice in your head that tells you to stop it, to not say that, to not do that, to not THINK that, but something in you urges you to say, do, think it anyway.

I watch your conflict like a predator watching prey, keenly, intently. It makes me want to lean … Continue Reading

Loves: 17
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I like to touch my partner when I am driving with him. Or to have him touching me. Just to stay connected.

To hold hands, like we are 12 years old, all innocent-like.

Or to reach over and rest my hand on his thigh, feel him shift ever so slightly closer so that I don’t have to stretch quite so far.

But best of all, I like to take his hand, slip it between my … Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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Submissive man finds dominant woman! News at 11!

HugsTwo of my fabulous male submissive friends are exploring new relationships. Yay!!

Why am I posting about this?

Because it makes me happy, because they are wonderful, smart, interesting, sweet, amazing men, because both of them have been single for a while, and because it gives me hope.

Mostly, people are not single because they are undesirable hideous trolls living under bridges, compulsively twitching and muttering obscenities at passers-by.

Mostly, people are single because it’s … Continue Reading

Loves: 20
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