Want kissing

Grrrr… I fucking want some fucking kissing!!

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2011 roundup

This word cloud shows a glimpse of the tenor of this blog… I want a lot and maybe get it sometimes, and maybe I just like and need some fucking, and it’s like, never enough… or something…


Word Cloud


I like very much how it puts random words together:

“scenario without reason”

“licking yes”

“disappear already”

“weakness getting men”

“slap fear blindingly”

“affectionate hurt”

I need to write more about kissing, obviously.

Happy new year, … Continue Reading

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Responding to emails – the other side

We hear submissive men say fairly frequently that dominant women do not respond to their emails, or ‘disappear’ after a few back and forths (I put ‘disappear’ in quotes because all it really means is that they stopped responding).

I just want to point out, for the record, that quite often submissive men do not respond to emails that I send them either, or sometimes they simply stop replying when we have some sort of … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Zing zing, baby

Finally, an easier way to get the zing zing!!


Can someone get on that and send me one, please? I need two of them of course (duh!), but I already have one… I just need the matching pair…

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Click to show some love
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Conversations with a bot

A submissive man mentioned in a recent Fetlife discussion that he had started talking on IM with a ‘dominant woman’ that he met from one of the groups. He said she seemed interesting until he figured out that she was a bot.

In the interests of research, I sought out a bot to have a conversation with. It looked like this:

Me: Hello baby, how are you cutie pie?
Bot: With a keyboard.
Me:Continue Reading

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Understanding is hot

I am not a special flower in saying that most people I run into don’t understand me: I think pretty much everyone can say that. It’s why finding someone who ‘gets me’ is so powerful. We run around in the world making pleasant chit chat about chit chatty things and it is ‘nice’ and nobody really connects with anybody, and so it goes.

Sometimes we even convince ourselves that ‘nice’ is enough for a potential … Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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My sent emails XXVI

Unlike the normal format of most of ‘My sent emails‘ posts, where I essentially post a response to something that landed in my inbox, this post is prompted by the discussion going on in the comments of this post where I said:

…I send out quite a few random cold-call emails. Compliments on profiles (as I said, this started things with my last boy), appreciation of photos, comments on posts they made,

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