Why I hate femdommery

Sometimes I have answers and they are answers that I don’t like very much. They are answers that piss me off. They are answers that give me this uncomfortable feeling in my stomach that everything is wrong.

I know why wankers calling themselves submissives behave like wankers to dominant women.

This guy, who after a couple of emails wanted to send me pictures of him in panties, was a wankering troll. He wanted someone, … Continue Reading

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Punishment software for BDSM

Ok, all submissives must now cover their eyes… go away now… go on… shoo!

Psssttt… Dommes… c’mere… Look, look what I found!!! *evil crafty grin*

Software to use for punishments:


Software that locks someone out of the internet for a certain amount of time.

Write or Die

You set a time or a word count and the person has to keep typing until they are done, or the software sets off an annoying alarm,

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Loves: 9
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Sex as reward

I don’t get the ‘sex as reward’ thing.

  • He has to *earn* the right to touch me
  • If he is well behaved, I *may* allow him to lick me
  • When he has done x, y and z for me, then I will have sex with him
  • IF he has gone above and beyond, I will deign to give him a blow job

It paints Dommes as sex-negative puritanical women who reluctantly ‘endure’ sexual activity because … Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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When vanilla and… not… collide

In the last 24 hours, on two separate occasions, I have told two vanilla men that I write ‘a sex blog’ and given them the name of it *.

That’s two vanilla men who I met while going about my business.

That’s two vanilla men who have my real name and phone number.

That’s two vanilla men who can now peek in here (hello R, L… yes, yes, this post is totally about you!).

That’s … Continue Reading

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Taking submission

“If you are a slave in robes, if all you desire is to bend to the will of men, if you have no experience as a dominant personality, then you CANNOT handle me. You have been warned.”

See, I *should* find that profile text silly and petulant and childish.

But, I don’t. At all.

It amuses me, makes me smile. I find it interesting, intriguing, truthful, with an arrogance that is strangely appealing. This is … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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Trust and control

I have been having some discussions recently about specific things that could be interpreted either as testing trust or exercising control. The act is the same, the intent is not.

If you are exerting control because you don’t trust your partner, you have a problem.

Let me say it again…

If you are exerting control because you don’t trust your partner, you have a problem.

Not a little one either, a big huge gigantic problem.… Continue Reading

Loves: 5
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House guest

He makes me fresh fruit and vegetable juice in the morning with apples, oranges, celery, zuchinni, beetroot, carrot, pear, ginger…

He cooks fabulous dinners with fresh ingredients… bœuf bourguignon, home made pizza, lamb shanks in red wine, cauliflower and asparagus soup…

He takes out the garbage, puts the bins out on the curb, takes them back in.

He offers chauffeuring… lifts to work, pick up from the train station, errands.

He entertains my sister when … Continue Reading

Loves: 5
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