Since finding myself single, I have worried a little about how this blog will influence the impression potential submissives have of me. It is not that this is not the ‘real me’, and in fact one of the loveliest compliments I received from my boy was ‘you are exactly how you come across in your writing’… I am gratified by that, a little relieved to know that I didn’t create this ‘persona’ for myself, happy … Continue Reading
I have had, largely, a bad year… that is dramatic and ‘woe is me-ish’, but it’s true nevertheless. Some of it I have shared here, some of it I haven’t because, frankly, whining and carrying on is no fun… mostly it is not interesting to write about and I have no doubt that it is not interesting to read about.
I use this blog as a way to take a moment out of the mundane … Continue Reading
My D/s relationships include punishment. Not ‘funishment’ which is playing at punishment for fun (“Naughty boy!” *giggle* Thwak! etc), but punishment… a penalty for getting something wrong.
–verb (used with object)
- to subject to pain, loss, confinement, death, etc., as a penalty for some offense, transgression, or fault: to punish a criminal.
- to inflict a penalty for (an offense, fault, etc.): to punish theft.
Ok… not death, obviously (did that need saying? Of course … Continue Reading
Kissing, is all
I saw a boy today that I wanted to kiss.
On my way to work on the train, he was maybe 40, fit, a little rough, with a strong imperfect face, unconventionally beautiful and serious, wide jaw, furrowed brow, a shock of thick dark messy hair. I stared at him, sunglasses on, I watched him. His face came alive as he talked to a little girl, became sweet, gentle, soft smiles. He had much-regretted tattoos, … Continue Reading
Remember now the words she said
It doesn’t seem to put anything in its right place…
She’s got a very twisted mind
And she’s gonna need more time…
A date
Her legs are freshly waxed, smooth and soft. Her skin, though, is too dry, she thinks, and looks over at the moisturiser, allowing a momentary digression of wistful thinking at the fact that she has to do it herself. She sighs inwardly and reaches for it.
She paints her nails avoiding the thought that this, too, she must do herself. She chooses a rich dark red, carefully applying colour, concentrating, avoiding the edges, the sharp … Continue Reading
Femdom in Second Life – My Thoughts
I knew of a couple of femdom areas in SL and went there to have a look around, chat to people, see what’s what. I haven’t been in a chat room for many many years, and SL is like series of chat rooms on steroids. The basics are the same, a bunch of people in a space talking, but it is accompanied by visuals. The chat room has a graphic representation, perhaps outside in a … Continue Reading