Do as I say, not as I do…

I am somehow obsessed with advice for newbies at the moment… I am not sure why… perhaps because I communicate with quite a few of them and I want them to have good experiences, to be successful, to find their bliss (yes, I know, that was too corny to be believed! Deal with it!).

Things I recommend to newbies are not necessarily things that I do myself. Yes, I am a hypocrite…

  • Want to meet
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Loves: 7
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Difficult and demanding

I have described myself as difficult and demanding, I don’t let things go, I will not accept ‘less than’, but I am only that way about things that I care about and there are a gazillion things that I really don’t care about. At all.

I am not a control freak in my daily life (seriously, I am not!), I don’t have ‘domly’ expectations of the people I know, I don’t have impossibly high … Continue Reading

Loves: 5
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I’m back…

And… I’m back! Missed me dincha? It’s okay, you can admit it, I won’t tell!

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been so sweet to me, both here in comments and in private emails. Your empathy and support has been really wonderful. Never underestimate the kindness of strangers.

I’m going okay here, I miss my boy* madly, but I am okay. We have exchanged a couple of sweet tentative … Continue Reading

Loves: 3
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‘Force’ as a kink *

Nobody ever talks about ‘force’ as a kink.

We frequently hear about ‘forced’ activities, but the focus is always on the activity rather than the force.

Now, I know the term ‘force’ raises some hackles, so how about we say force = coercion? Hmm… that sounds just as bad doesn’t it?

It’s a tricky thing to talk about because people are all ‘well you’re just ‘making’ them do something they wanted to do anyway, they … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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Professional online domination

Tribute must be included at first contact.
$50 for half an hour of IM.
$75 for half an hour of one way cam (she can see you, you cannot see her)
$100 for half an hour of two way cam.
Monthly contract for guaranteed IM, emails, photos, videos.
Phone domination at per-minute rate.
There will be no chance or possibility to meet, ever.

How do you react to the concept?

What if she has no … Continue Reading

Loves: 2
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Broken wing

We are going out, he grabs my coat and holds it open for me.

“Broken wing first!”, he blurts out quickly before I have even moved.

I look at him, “Which is it?”

He smiles, knows I am not kidding, I am hopeless. He nods at my right arm and holds the sleeve coat forward so that I can slip my hurt arm into it first.

I wince when I move it, which makes him … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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The worst thing…

“May I?”
“Do whatever you like.”

“I did the wrong thing, I’m so sorry…”
*shrug* “It’s okay.”

“Which one…?”
“Either is fine.”

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Loves: 3
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