Glimpses of history

If you are interested in some glimpses of how I saw my First in the time we were together, both of the posts below are about him.

I wrote a blog at the time (before blogs were a thing, hand coded in HTML), and kept a journal: both of these writings were based on descriptions I wrote back then, so they are true to my perspective at the time. There might be some others about … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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My First: his words

My first submissive has commented on some of the posts I’ve written about him using the nickname “Her First” (this cute choice of nickname makes me smile & I’ll be calling him ‘First‘ from now on).

I’m putting this comment from him here in its entirety because it sums up his perspective of this situation so well. You’ll need to read that post for this one to make sense.


“He sees a Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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Ah swear to God…

I mentioned the Texan previously as a boy with a sex voice.

This deep resonance, a hint of adorable self consciousness, a slight Texan drawl (“forty-fahv”), a beautiful laugh.

After I heard his first audio, done at my request, I wanted more of that beautiful voice, so we have exchanged a few more audio clips instead of emails: Making chat, talking about our days, some Q&A, innocent and lovely.

He is ‘aw shucks’ embarrassed that … Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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Thoughts on thoughts

I mostly write glimpses here: snippets out of context, strobe-light moments.

They are my version of the truth, but they are incomplete, of course, so the impression they leave is imperfect.

I curate carefully for many reasons, some of which I have talked about before.

My rules for writing about people are:

  • No surprises (well, sweet surprises are okay)
  • No hurt

And that’s limiting enough because most people who I write about know my … Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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Because… mine

My first submissive still carries a scar and a piercing that I gave him almost 20 years ago.

This makes me happy.

Because… mine.… Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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Boys with sex voices

A few emails exchanged with a Texan boy: he’s smart, fun, there is some light flirtation. He emails a throw-away line after making appreciative compliments about one of my recordings:

“If I had a clip of myself I’d send it to you.”

I tease him back.

“So is it your contention that you have no possible way to record an audio clip? Is that what you are saying?

Or are you saying … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Communicating the hard stuff

NaBloWriMo[SubmissiveGuyComics is also doing a post for our NaBloWriMo project, though he’s hiding some of them on Twitter so if you aren’t following him, you should… ]


So the question for you all is – how do you communicate best? Within the dynamic or by stepping outside of it?

I see some form of this question come up from time to time and I suspect I normally give some answer without giving … Continue Reading

Loves: 11
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