
NaBloWriMo[SubmissiveGuyComics is also doing a post for our NaBloWriMo project]


There are some things I don’t talk about, well, lots of things actually.

They’re unacceptable for public consumption for various reasons. Sometimes because they are simply too personal, sometimes because they invade someone’s privacy, sometimes because they are too revealing, sometimes because there is no way to talk about them coherently, and sometimes because they are so far on the side of ‘wrong’ … Continue Reading

Loves: 14
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NaBloWriMo[SubmissiveGuyComics has also done a ‘Shibari‘ post for our NaBloWriMo project]


This is a picture of the first time I played with rope, my ex boy kneeling patiently before me while I painstakingly followed instructions for this dragonfly sleeve. I enjoyed it well enough: time spent with my sweetheart, intense attention, an almost meditative precision, and oh my he was so pretty in rope, but I didn’t ‘get’ it.

I was … Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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He believed…

When we were together long ago, in the distant past, he believed that I had betrayed him.

Not just ‘betrayed’, but ‘BETRAYED’ in all caps with a bright neon red, sharp and harsh, and so ugly it can barely be looked at head-on.

That betrayal impacted him deeply, coloured all of his relationships since me with a murky grey cloak of fear and self protection. Years of it.

He got over it, of course, put … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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Disturbing the peace

Domme Chronicles hard cover mockup

I have been wanting to send my ex boy a copy of my book. After all, it is mostly about him, he was key in encouraging me to put my writing out into the world: It exists in no small part because of and for him.

It is a selfish thing, though, this desire. It is probably kinder of me to leave him alone. But I am often not kind. My wanting to share … Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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I adore a little jealousy

He had a work function one evening.

Academia: he and his fellows were meant to be grabbing new creative talent and sizing them up for their faculty. He had shyly asked me if I wanted to go. I didn’t, of course. He knew that well enough, but he asked me anyway.

“Of course!” I said.

He beamed at me. It wasn’t just that I would provide moral support: I knew that he wanted to show … Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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Hello Ma’am

SGC of the wonderful Submissive Guy Comics tumblr recently posted this really sad comic.

When I saw it, it brought back a rush of memories. My memories are usually packed away and mostly inaccessible without concerted effort, but they are sitting close to the surface for me at the moment because of my anniversary post. When I was thinking about what to write, I looked back on old posts and personal writings to find … Continue Reading

Loves: 21
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On the occasion of my not-really blog anniversary

Holy fuck, this blog is 5 years old!

Okay okay, I confess, 5 years and one month and one day because I am rubbish at keeping track of these things and forgot about it, then I realised yesterday, and couldn’t be arsed to write a post and so, here we are at 5 years, one month and one day old (I would like to point out that I could have lied about that because I … Continue Reading

Loves: 24
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