Marking territory

I push him down to his knees and pull his mouth against me. He shoves his face into my cunt and licks at me, eager, desperate. I let him thrust his tongue into me, hold him hard against me, shove my hips towards him, his movements insistent and rhythmic, I close my eyes and relax into him. I push-pull at his head, moving it away from me, turning it. He fights me, kisses whatever part … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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Cutting to the core

He feels it more deeply now, everything cuts to the core of him. She hurts and scares and thrills him. He is so beautiful, still shy and afraid, but he discards the pretence, that thin veneer. He reaches to open himself even further to her, the slide into oblivion so close, always right there. He knows she loves his vulnerability: he steps bravely into the void and shows it to her, offered up with trust. … Continue Reading

Loves: 11
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“You hit me…”

I am straddling his chest, he is writhing underneath me, his body in constant motion, seeking something more, reaching, searching, his movements limited by my weight on him, by the cuffs joining his hands above his head. He is not fighting me, but he can’t keep still, he makes small sounds into the room.

I reach down to position his head and I slap him, hard, across his cheek, the sting of it tight and … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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As always

I am thinking, as always, about kissing you, about your mouth, how it shapes that ‘oh’ of anticipation when I bring my lips close to you, how you wait wait wait and try so hard not to reach for me, they are almost unbearable, those moments of denial.

I am torn, as always, by what I want, by wanting it all at once, by wanting to take it and have it and leave nothing behind.… Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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We are watching television. He sits on the ground beside the couch, at my feet, a cushion I bought for ten cents at the school fete under his arse to keep him off the cold tiles. The ‘butt cushion’ I have dubbed it. I can feel his energy as he sits there quietly, it emanates from him in waves, invisible threads drawing me in. I feel the pull in my fingertips, in the pit of … Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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It is in the way you surrender, a quiet, unspoken, gentle offering of yourself, inevitable, unquestioning. It is in the way you bow your head and wait, even without experience, you know, like you have seen inside my head, you understand exactly how to elicit that aggressive response from me, to raise that hunger that you love. It is in the way you look sideways at me, find the courage to be cocky, checking, checking … Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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You come to me and kneel. You hand me the collar, the collar that I have given you: my collar, leather and steel, the engraving claiming you as my property.

“Please Ma’am, will you put your collar on me?”

It makes me smile every time you ask me, every single time, it makes me melt, it brings you close, sometimes I reach to kiss you, and always, I say “Yes”.

I put the collar around … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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