
This is the final, with my signature also, which makes you my property, my cock, my balls, my arse, my nipples, my mouth, my tongue, my lips, my beautiful eyes, my body, my imagination, my heart, my breath, my skin, my mind, all of which makes me want to take it apart piece by fucking piece to examine it, taste it, lick it, sink my teeth in and bite it, slap it, cut it to … Continue Reading

Loves: 3
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See you soon

“…I wonder if you’re gonna wait for me or if you’re gonna find a new boy to spoon, I wish that I could see you soon…”

“How long ’til you can see her?
And I’m like – the sooner the better
Do you really think she will wait for you?
And I’m like there’s no way to say and there’s nothing I can do…”

I will wait for you baby, and I will see you … Continue Reading

Loves: 2
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You lower your voice, it slows right down like treacle, you hesitate and make soft inarticulate sounds into the silence, swallowing, licking your lips, trying to find a way to form the thoughts into words that will somehow make it less difficult. I know you are embarrassed, I know this is hard for you.

I wait.

You tell me in snippets, I listen as you struggle with the sentences, broken and disjointed, they are reluctant … Continue Reading

Loves: 3
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She is angry, hurt, she is beyond feeling like talking about it, beyond feeling like punishing him and into the space where she doubts he can do this, doubts that he is capable of delivering what she needs, doubts that he can make her happy. And she adores him, she hates feeling like this.

This is not the first time… The first time, she explained patiently how it felt for her to put pieces of … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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I have been thinking about this afternoon since I left you, scooting home with you in my mind, still incredibly wet, with snippets whipping around my head, I can’t even grasp them or make sense of any of them, they just whirl around like a porn reel and I wish I could record and keep it all to replay you again in pain with a knife against your cock (your cock, that belongs to me, … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Fun of hurting

Him: What is the fun of hurting me? *pause* That is the most right question I have ever asked.

Me: The fun of hurting you is in your reactions, is in how it makes you more beautiful, is in how it brings out who you are, is in the sounds you make in it, is in the way you speak to me in the middle of it, is in how it makes me wet. It … Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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Day 31

Oh god, and with my heart racing and whispering ‘oh jesus’ to you and my stomach lifted into my chest, you are so fucking hot, which is not the right word, but my wet panties in your mouth and against your cock are filling my head and I whisper to you ‘oh’ with that catch, that one is not even a sound, on my tongue when you’re nearly coming, and not coming, over and again… … Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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