
I have organised a second date, a kissing date with the lovely boy I recently met.

I tweeted this yesterday while I was thinking about it:

Text: “Head full of kissing date possibilities. Anticipation might be one of my favourite things”

I got a great question about it via my Ask Me page:

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Q&A: Are dominant women sexually attracted to submissive men?

Question (paraphrased from the ‘Submissive men and the women who love them’ Fetlife group):

 Are dominant women even sexually attracted to submissive men? They never talk about BDSM as if they are.

Dominant women (or even ‘most women’) don’t shout about their interest in sexytimes all over the internet or talk about it with strangers because it attracts creepy inappropriate behaviour from men who think any woman who expresses an interest in sex … Continue Reading

Loves: 14
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Meeting with my American boyfriend…

I’ve spent time with him before but it’s rare and precious. I picked Drew up from the airport around noon, and we started with lunch and drinks here:


Then we went to my place for champagne and lots of talks and secret-telling.

He let me handle his gorgeous chastity device: the Axel by Steelwerks:

Steelwerks chastity device

And this is the key to his chastity device around my neck. It’s beautiful and it suits me, no?

Conversation … Continue Reading

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One week, two boys

I know you want to hear all about my date, but I’m not ready to talk about that until I have more solid ground to stand on. Suffice it to say he’s really cute, smart and interesting, and he has a lot of other stellar qualities besides: I like him.

There might have been a little kissing… Yum…

Anyway where was I?

Oh yeah, and he brought me Milo: what’s not to like?

We’re … Continue Reading

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Today would be a really good day for some CFNM

As part of our NaBloRrrrawrMo pact during November, the fabulous Submissive Guy Comics is drawing comics inspired by tweets that caught his eye and I’m sharing them here.

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I have a date.

Shocker, right?


With this lovely submissive man who I’ve dubbed the Pilot (because he is, among other things, a pilot).

I don’t normally write about potential submissives here because I think it puts too much pressure on, well, everything.

In fact I normally don’t mention anyone here until they feel tangible, until I know I like them, until we have had a couple of months of promising contact at least.… Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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My sent emails XLVIII

To: dom-who-decided-to-be-an-online-sub

Hello there,

I was going to leave this unanswered because you are right, I’m not interested, but you seem genuinely perplexed at my response, so in the interests of ‘random acts of education’, I thought I would try and help.

I’m going to keep this short since you will either find it useful or think I am an interfering bint who should piss off, and I don’t want to waste either of our … Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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