Sexual violence: Audio reading

I have done an audio reading before, and kept intending to do more and just never got around to it.

Given I just wrote about reading this one as a bedtime story, I thought I would record it (see how that works? I am triple-dipping on that post!! This is what pure laziness looks like, people!).

If you like it and want to hear more, then encourage me with flattery and champagne (okay, … Continue Reading

Loves: 2
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Sexual violence

I will like it if you can be stunned into weakness for me, when I can shove you into a wall, a hand around your throat and threaten you and have you believe it (crossing that line between knowing that you can stop it any time you want and that tipping over point where the attack makes your brain stutter and your body go ‘wtf?!’). If I am aggressively fucking with you, I need to … Continue Reading

Loves: 13
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My sent emails XXVIII

Hello e,

You are exemplary with the one line hotness… Sometimes, my eyes read something and it goes straight to my cunt.

I was going to make lunch, masturbated instead.

You featured heavily.

Ferns… Continue Reading

Loves: 3
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Starting the day – part I

You keep checking to see if I am awake, quietly sneaking a look, and when I open my eyes sleepily, you are allowed to kiss me on skin that is exposed, bare above the sheet.

The kissing is both greeting and a gentle feeling out of my mood. Sometimes I barely acknowledge you, sometimes I purr and arch into your kisses exposing maybe my neck, my ear to you, sometimes I pull the sheet down … Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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How to beg

I was a huge huge fan of Bitchy Jones’s Diary. Her blog is still on my blog roll even though she stopped writing there (and removed a lot of her content) in February 2010  *sad face*. But I just discovered that I saved a couple of my favourite posts… wheeee!!!

I am really not so big on begging because it has to be sincere and believable to work for me, and most men … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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Face fuck

You in a darkened room, alone, tied up.
Hands together, ankles together.
You are kneeling.
You are waiting.
And waiting.

The door opens.

Light from the room beyond blinds you; seems you have been there quite a while.
You squint, shield your eyes, see a silhouette, that’s all.

The door closes, dark again.

Three long strides and you are shoved backwards from your kneel.
Your tied hands are pulled up over your head, you shuffle … Continue Reading

Loves: 20
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Non femdom porn


If there were female dominants in these photos, in these poses, with this intense interplay, I would like them even more because, fuck… look at the submissives in these pictures, look at the interaction, look at their faces, the passion fairly screams out of these photos. I imagine the moments before and after these captured frames and it hits me just right.

This is fucking white hot. Guh.


Edited to add that these Continue Reading

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