Eight pelicans roosting on a disconnected section of the old jetty, sunlight reflecting on the water, a light breeze, feeling how the world is, feeling almost holy.
… Continue Reading… and then, it rained…
Almost three weeks after Queensland’s flood crisis began, an unprecedented 80 per cent of the state was yesterday declared a disaster zone…
Most of my family and friends are (so far) largely unaffected though a couple have evacuated their homes. I am overseas at the moment, but keeping a close eye on what is going on.
We are expecting the worst on Thursday with a very high tide and a release of water from … Continue Reading
Who do you look like?
I am soooo doing a post just about this because it made me laugh my head off…
Find My Doppelganger is a site that allows you to upload a photo of yourself and it matches you with the ten celebrities it thinks you look most like.
They claim that “[it] utilizes cutting edge facial recognition technology to find your lookalike.”
It also matches you with other registered users… you can then contact the people who … Continue Reading
Hot boys
I pimp Male Submission Art (ETA: The site is long gone) all the time, and not just because my boy is on there.
Today I followed a link on my Twitter feed (wow, see, Twitter is good for something other than telling you what I had for lunch (chicken curry, since you asked)…) and found these photos by Midori. Yummy!
Which leads me to ask… Do any of you have links to pictures of beautiful … Continue Reading
Ok, now I am a twit… really…
I suspect it won’t last long, I suspect that I will get bored within a day or two of tweeting stupid stuff and having no idea how it works.
There will be no “I iz having teh hawt sex wth tiedupnakedguy, kthxbai…” either.
Just sayin’.
The twitter feed and link are over there on the right in the sidebar, but for those of you who are too damn … Continue Reading
Welcome to my new home!
I am anxiously looking around, touching parts of the blog, clicking things, checking and double checking…
Let me show you around…
- In the right sidebar is the button to get the RSS feed… click it, click it, CLICK ITCLICKIT!!!!
- I have added buttons so you can share my posts (see below… pretty!)
- I have added sections at the top… the first new one is About Me, because of course it’s all about
Change of address… really now…
Later today, I am going to move the blog… eeekkk!!!
For those of you whose feeds do not update, or who are ‘following’ the blog, this may be the last post you see from me in your reader until you update the feed from the new site.
So if you are looking for me, by the end of today, the 27th December, I will be here:
Anyone using the old blogspot address should be … Continue Reading