Administery admin: aka ‘yawnfest’

I know you all just want to hear about my date, but bear with me here: I’m about to change my blog theme (have I ever mentioned how much I hate change? I do, I hate it).

About 54% of my readers access my blog from desktops, 32% from mobiles, and 14% from tablets. My current theme is so old that it doesn’t properly support the smaller devices, so the main driver for this … Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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How to make Milo

This is a Very Important Topic*.

Milo is a chocolate malt drink that is a staple in Australia, right up there with Vegemite. The value of Milo (vs other chocolate milk additives) is that it’s crunchy, so when you have it, you have to embrace the crunchiness of it and not waste it.

There is much debate about the best way to have Milo, and in the interests of world wide education, I have produced … Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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I have had a spa here. It was stunning.


That is all.… Continue Reading

Loves: 5
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I’m away from home at the moment, on another continent, a vacation, a scoping out. No, not meeting a potential (come on, like I’d be able to keep that to myself!), more’s the pity.

Random things floating around in my head.


I have some internet connectivity, but I am uninterested in it. It seems so far away. This is a good thing. I am so used to being plugged in, that a break must … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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I have scars on my body. Like all scars they tell stories.

That one under my hair, where I smashed into a beam with a nail sticking out while crouch-running under a friend’s house at a party. We were wild and screaming, I was about 13 I guess. I suspect my friend never even noticed when I stopped, when blood started running down my face. It didn’t hurt. I was concussed and just wanted to … Continue Reading

Loves: 11
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My sister will be here with me for my birthday on Friday. She will arrive tomorrow, so I will be struggling under the weight of her company already by the time Friday comes around.

We will drink too much champagne, talk too loudly, gesture too wildly, eat too much junk food.

On Friday evening, we will get dressed up like we never do, put on make up, and heels, and we will go out for … Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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A wrongness

In general, I’m a pretty happy person. On a scale of 1-10, I’d say I average somewhere around a 7-8 in my every day life.

Sometimes, though, I feel like there is something wrong with me.

Mostly it’s some vague niggling thing in the back of my mind that lives there quietly and doesn’t bother me. In a lot of ways, I just don’t seem to function like other people in the world, and that’s … Continue Reading

Loves: 11
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