A weekend: The Domme and the lovely switch

The lovely switch and I had a day and a half together in Sydney. I flew in on Friday, and he arrived on Saturday morning, after the ungodly long flight from the US.

Our first conversation went something like this:

*ring ring*
Me: Hello! Welcome to Australia!!
Him: *laughing* Thank you!! Happy to be here!!

*some pleasantries*

Him: So I’m at the hotel, I’m showered, all clean and lovely, shall I come to you? I … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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Creative? No, just lazy…

I’m at the airport waiting for the flight home from my weekend with the lovely switch.

Of course I am happy to share with you all, and I was thinking about what to write about it, and then I had a really great idea (I am full of them! Truly!). I already told him I was going to send him a questionnaire to fill in (probably full of ridiculous questions that make me laugh) … Continue Reading

Loves: 11
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Weekend with a switch

I’m being treated to a weekend away!!

An American switch friend who I have never met is coming to Australia for work and he is sweetly flying me out to spend the weekend with him.

When he mentioned the possibility a couple of months ago, I sort of shrugged non-committally and said I might be interested. I find that men *say* stuff like that all the time, and for whatever reason it never actually happens, … Continue Reading

Loves: 11
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Drawing out hurt

“Hands behind your head.”

You comply quickly, and you wait.

“We’re going to do something that we’ve done before, can you guess?” I ask, smiling.

We are new together, there aren’t that many choices.

“No Ma’am,” you reply quickly. You are nervous.

“The pegs,” I grin at you.

You make a face at me, screw up your nose, your lip curls. You are not into pain. In fact, you don’t like it at all, the … Continue Reading

Loves: 59
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Public tease

A concert, it’s dark. I’m there with my girlfriends. Crowded at the front, squeezed together, heat, and a pounding beat through the floor. Bodies moving in unison, we are all one undulating, connected creature, for a brief moment, strangers bonded together.

I feel him behind me, pressed up against me in the throng. He is tall, I don’t turn around, but graze my arse back a little against him. I feel him retreat away from … Continue Reading

Loves: 26
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Clothes of boyfriends past

It is cold tonight, and I am, coincidentally, wearing three articles of clothing from boyfriends past.

It is unintentional, and sweet.

My sweatshirt, too big, an unattractive colour really, is one that I grabbed out of my first submissive’s ‘give away’ bag when we were clearing out clothes to take to good will. He probably had it for quite a while before I took it. I plucked it out of the box by the … Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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Airport waiting

I’m at the airport, waiting with my father for a flight to come in.

There is a boy sitting across and a few seats to the right, facing me. I look at him, he looks back at me frankly. I have sunglasses on, I am not sure if my stare is obvious. There is no smile on either side.

He is kind of beautiful, lean, early 30s maybe, a clean attractive face, short hair, sideburns, … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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