Submissive leanings

He is a work colleague: smart, driven, funny, engaging, good at his job. I like him and enjoy working with him. We talked all the time on the phone, but had never met because, well, he’s in North America and I am not.

We were on a call, I was carefully trying to explain something to him, he was distracted, obviously doing something else over there across the ocean. I got exasperated and snapped at … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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Flavour of vanilla

Once upon a time, I went out with vanilla boys, before I found any BDSM community, and after also. I was thinking recently about vanilla and submissive dates… they are quite different in my experience. Submissive men tend to wait, they are a little afraid of taking initiative in case they get it wrong, so they wait to be led, which is fine with me, but there are many many ways to show interest that … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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She watched him

She watched him, a sheen of sweat on his face, a picture of concentration. He glanced at her now and then, to check if she was watching, to see if she was paying attention to him. She was.

She sipped her wine, keeping her eyes on him, the cold liquid sliding down her throat, honey, melon, lemon. The apartment smelt of garlic, herbs and a sharp tang of vinegar.

She went to him and pressed … Continue Reading

Loves: 3
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Dressing up

The couch, the television, the vanilla boy, I’m bored.

“I want to dress you up.” He looks over at me, then looks back at the television.

“Come on, it will be fun, we can put a dress on you…no, my skirt, the black mini. You will look sweet. And that cute top with the flowers…”

“Ssshhh…I’m trying to watch this.”

“… and stockings, my thigh highs… not sure my shoes will fit you though… maybe. … Continue Reading

Loves: 2
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Payment for service

I had a massage from a man today, which I normally hate. He was a short, stocky, strong looking, blonde American.

We talked a little, he made me laugh, his hands were wonderful, he breathed heavily and made small grunting noises as he worked on my body.

And during the massage, with the pain, with the strong hands, with the rubbing, with the touching, with the oil and with him being quietly funny and interesting, … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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First time

I went to a BDSM night at a goth club with a friend of mine, a submissive woman. It was the first time I had identified as a ‘Domme’ in public, I had never been to a club before, had no idea what to expect, had never really played with a submissive (at this stage, I had a remote submissive online, and had played as a sub to a very experienced Dom (another story)).

The … Continue Reading

Loves: 18
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