Nightly spanking

I tell him to get the paddle. He returns to where I am sitting on the edge of the bed, kneels before me and offers it up to me. I smile at him, he gives me a cheeky look back.

“Spanking, baby…” I announce, unnecessarily.

“But… but… I’ve been a good boy!” he mock-protests, his eyes wide. He is funny.

I cup his face to me and kiss him gently, he leans into it, and … Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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What is it about shoes?

I get so excited about new shoes, it’s ridiculous… but you know… *new shoes!!!*. I’ve now succumbed and added a ‘shoes’ category to this blog, thereby acknowledging that I am, really, a shoe whore…

And this one is for the romantics (I know you are out there…)…

 … Continue Reading

Loves: 5
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Men as sex objects

I adore the ‘men as sex objects’ thing.

One of the things I love most about treating men as sex objects is that it actually gives those who maybe are a little shy or even too ‘manly’ to admit that they love that attention a different way of looking at themselves, a different level of confidence. They walk around in the world a little more aware of themselves as desirable sexual ‘things’, which often attracts … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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I have lost my favourite flogger (can you believe it?!). I can only think that I must have left it in the hotel where I last used it but they haven’t seen it… I am really quite upset about it.

I am not a toy whore… despite my buying frenzies, a toy is just a toy, I don’t care about them, but BUT… BUT… this one, this one is the only one that Continue Reading

Loves: 1
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Leading by example

I try to treat my boy the way I like to be treated… not with the hitting and the hurting (silly!), but with our normal human interactions. I know that will shock some people *shocker!*, but really it shouldn’t and I hope the shocked are in the minority (I suspect so, I know enough of you to know that you all live in the real world…).

I speak to him honestly, I am clear Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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I am crouching in front of him, his hard cock (my cock) in front of my face, but I am not interested in the cock right now.

I am nipping at him, biting, which is the thing that has driven him closest to safewording with me. I nuzzle at his skin, lips and softness, tongue lapping at him, he pushes his flesh towards me, flinching when I close my teeth on it. I push my Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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He wears…

  1. My collar, leather and steel, engraved with my claim on him as my property. There is a ritual in putting it on and taking it off. He kneels and asks me if he may put it on. I say yes (of course, I say yes!). It is locked around his neck with a small padlock. He must ask, also, if he needs to take it off. It is beautiful on him.

  1. A leather bracelet with
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Loves: 8
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