Sunday curiosity #8

I said that I wanted to change direction a little with this blog, and this is part of it, to step away from those powerful moments and talk a little about the ordinary ones, those moments that happen day in and day out, in between the beautiful and the powerful there is the ordinary, the routine. This is not my usual type of posting, though it is a moment in time, and it is an … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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No more…

“I can’t do this anymore…” He blurted it out in a rush, like he had to release it or it would never come out.

I looked at him. They were the first words out of his mouth after our greeting through the car window. I had pulled up outside the restaurant, he was waiting there for me. It was obvious that he had a lot more to say.

I nodded at him. “Wait, we can … Continue Reading

Loves: 10
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Arse show

I watch you sleep, I do that sometimes, it is sweet. You snuffle and shift and occasionally you mutter to yourself.

Tonight, you have half thrown the covers off, you are curled up, and your pretty arse is exposed to me. Your pose is childlike and unintentional and completely slutty, like you planned it this way, like you are smiling secretly to yourself at your own cleverness.

I sent you to bed with the crotchless … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Sunday Curiosity #7

A different kind of Sunday curiosity this week. A musing of sorts.

Some things are difficult for me to write about because they feel so personal and I feel a little as if I am exposing too much if I was I to write about them. I know that sounds strange, when I share these intimate details in this blog, when I seem to bare all. These things I speak of, these private, secret things, … Continue Reading

Loves: 2
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Kissing noises

You make kissing noises at me, from the side there, not really looking at me. I smile and watch your mouth, your lips pressing together, pursing, then opening slightly, you are trying not to smile back at me, your face deliberately and cutely serious, the gentle sucking noise soft and moist and enticing.

“Are you making kissing noises at me?”

You smirk, “Of course, Ma’am!”

I laugh and grab the back of your head and … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Hello boy

There is something about the boys I like, something intangible, something they can’t help in themselves, something unconscious, inviting and irresistible.

I have tried, over the years, to define what it is, to explain it, and have used words like vulnerability, and bravery, and prey, and of those, prey is the closest to describing it, that indefinable ‘it’.

They can’t pretend to have it, there is no kowtowing or genuflecting or ‘acting it out’ … Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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Sunday Curiosity #6 – Ask my boy

Thank you to everyone who asked my boy a question in last week’s Sunday Curiosity… it was much fun and we had some interesting discussions about some of it. I struggled with giving up editorial control (a control freak, me?!) – it was quite difficult for me to be comfortable with having another voice here and letting it speak (about me and us) without influence. I did manage to get over it, so his

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Loves: 3
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