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24 results found.
Welcome to a new femdom podcast (which I have arbitrarily numbered so that I can number them going forward and don’t have to keep thinking up original titles each time :P).
Topics include the following:
Some version of ‘how do I find a dominant woman?’ is the most commonly asked question I see from submissive men both in my personal Q&A and on F/m internet forums.
Information and advice abounds on the topic: The main difficulty for someone trying to get help, though, is that it’s mostly in little snippets in random places … Continue Reading
… the accounts with a label of ‘dominant woman’ that have obviously stolen super-hot pictures and wank-text would all hook up with the mindless horny idiots who drool over them.
Online-only, of course, because duh.
Those dudes could wank away together forever with the hot sexy chat and stupidity and be perfectly happy and leave the rest of us alone.
Case in point:
*’Woman’ posts hot pictures that are easily verified as ‘not her’ via … Continue Reading
When I talk with lovely submissive men, the ones who have wonderful qualities, the ones who I should fit with because they are perfect on paper, I want to tell them how to scale my walls.
If you’ve ever been into rock climbing you know exactly what I mean.
“No, up, the hand hold is there on your left, above your head. Yes THERE. And there’s a foot hold on that small ledge there, about … Continue Reading
I knew he was into rope. I’d warned him that I have no skills with it, but that I was absolutely happy to learn with him if this went somewhere. In that way I’m like some ‘fantasy Domme’: kinks in and of themselves don’t interest me much, but HIS kinks do. Because that’s how I get reactions and that’s where I enjoy playing.
We played some with rope this time. I have a couple of … Continue Reading
I asked my amazing ‘man who knows everything’ if he could find some free software to transcribe my last podcast for those who might be hearing impaired, or those who just don’t like audio.
He is such a sweetheart that he came back with ‘Yes, I’ll look into it’ AND THEN HE MANUALLY TRANSCRIBED THE AUDIO FOR ME *swoon*.
So for the lovely Coug and anyone else who prefers text over audio for whatever … Continue Reading
All the audio porn!
The Domme Chronicles femdom podcast is available on iTunes, so you can subscribe to it if you want to be sure to get my audio porn delivered straight to your ear holes.
In this one, I address the following reader questions: