Exercise audio porn

I had another go at the recording I tried to make for my ‘gym bunny update’ post.

I actually invited my twitter peeps to breathe and pant and swear with me while I was doing it, so I was talking to them in the recording. Normally, I don’t talk while I am killing myself with uber cardio. Well, okay, I might do an ‘oh my god!’ or a ‘fuck’, but I don’t generally encourage people, … Continue Reading

Loves: 23
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The couch: Audio reading

I am still working through the requests from my ‘Dommes don’t speak, they rawwwr’ post (you didn’t think I’d forgotten did you?!).

This is a reading of The couch, a gentle and incredibly sweet scenario I wrote about quite a while ago.

This recording courtesy of a request by:
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Loves: 20
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I crave your mouth: Audio reading

This is another request from my ‘Dommes don’t speak, they rawwwr’ post by Peroxide, who doesn’t even really like poetry, but requested that I read Sonnet XI, by Pablo Neruda, which I have posted previously.

I love quite a few of Neruda’s poems; his passion and beautiful turn of phrase is compelling.


Sonnet XI, by Pablo Neruda

I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through … Continue Reading

Loves: 18
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Admonishments said out loud: Audio

In this post, I fulfilled a couple of other reader requests from my ‘Dommes don’t speak, they raawwwrr‘ post who wanted to hear me telling them what to do, all stern-like.

This was surprisingly difficult.

With the first one, to make it interesting, I had to kind of set up the entire scenario. In real life, I’d be much more likely just to go, “Go and do the chores, boy” and expect him … Continue Reading

Loves: 22
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Ferns for the aural: Audio

You asked for it, you got it!!

In this recording are some of the requests from my ‘Dommes don’t speak, they rawwwr’ post.

There is silliness and laughing and someone who might be me sounding very much like a Crocodile Dundee reject.


The recording contains requests from:
– michael
– DumbDomme, Tom Allen
– Peroxide
– Coug
– # [Hash]
– ZeroToInfinity
– Jerome

The other requests are coming soon, in a blog post … Continue Reading

Loves: 26
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Sexual violence: Audio reading

I have done an audio reading before, and kept intending to do more and just never got around to it.

Given I just wrote about reading this one as a bedtime story, I thought I would record it (see how that works? I am triple-dipping on that post!! This is what pure laziness looks like, people!).

If you like it and want to hear more, then encourage me with flattery and champagne (okay, … Continue Reading

Loves: 2
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Crash: Audio reading

I have been considering doing a reading on the blog for some time, so here it is.

It is this post: Crash.

It is a single, first take with mistakes and all, plus the ambiance of neighbourhood sounds (welcome to my home!)… This absolutely and definitively proves that Australians do NOT have an accent…

If you find it enjoyable and you are interested in hearing more, then comment wildly and with enthusiasm.… Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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