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All the audio porn!
The Domme Chronicles femdom podcast is available on iTunes, so you can subscribe to it if you want to be sure to get my audio porn delivered straight to your ear holes.
In this one, I address the following reader questions:
- How do you polish an apple (no, that’s not a euphemism)?
- How do I choose a name and start controlling a sub?
- Have you been in a relationship with someone who had a kink that was a hard limit?
- Solicitation from a 69(heh) year old in Florida
- Kidnapping fantasies?
- Scammer warning (because always!)
- How do I find a partner?
- Any advice for a Domme name?
- Age differences and ageism?
- Spanking!
- Online and phone submission
- A sweet blast from some 20 years in the past (hello colorado *smile*)
- What’s a NON-vanilla-date for you, what is a “domme date”?
- On wanting a loving D/s relationship
- More on finding a dominant woman (still no magic wand: sorry!) and ‘sensual dominance’
- My master is looking for a Domme to co-top me (a bicurious woman), do you think a Domme would be interested in that?
- Congratulations from Jeff on making the Top 100 Sex Blogs of 2015 list (thank you!)
Phew! That’s a lot: I hope you enjoy it.
Want to ask me something? Pop on over to my Ask Me page and do it: even if I’m slow, I WILL get back to you! It’s completely anonymous, even to me, so nobody will know it was you…
That is all, I need to know some of this stuff you know Ferns?
I mean “How do I choose a name and start controlling a sub?” and “Any advice for a Domme name?” Without this info my life is meaningless :)
I don’t know how you will survive!!! :(
(for the record, I am currently researching transcription options (again!), and might have something for next time, even if I can’t retroactively apply it to this Q&A, so don’t despair! I WILL help you out of your troubles with advice on how to polish your apples (STILL not a euphemism…)).
Aww thank you love, but don’t fret too much I will always love you. . .
Mainly on the off chance of that toaster over of course you understand
No fretting: Done *smile*.
And I found a way to do audio-to-text WHILE recording audio, so in future I should be able to deliver both audio and text at once.
And of course: it’s all for the toaster oven, natch!
I’m with you on the audio posts Coug. My preference is to read it, not listen to it.
I think we’re in the minority though.
We’re two. Another five, and we can be the less-than-magnificent seven. (Great, now I’ve got the movie theme in my head.)
Hi Ferns,
I really enjoy the podcast Q&A. Adds another dimension that doesn’t come across as well in the written word and that’s your absolute joy and happiness in both receiving and responding to the questions from your readers. :)
Thank you! I DO love the Q&A *smile*.
I don’t actually have a choice these days, being all old and cloth eared now
I just LOVE these audio ones. Thank you SO much!!!
I’m so glad you enjoy them, and thank you for popping in to say so!