Survey: Results part I

I did have fun with this!!

I will do it in a few parts. The responses with comments are, of course, the most interesting, but also the most difficult to do a show and tell with. This first look at the survey will be the easy ones, and oh look! Graphs! Whheeeee!!!

Click the graphs to get a better look at them.

** Thank you to the kind folks who provided some help with the image quality problem, particularly Étienne who spent some time with me to investigate. Look how pretty they are!

Of the 2% who chose other than male or female, respondents identified as queer or transmen.

So to look a little more closely (naked of graphs!)… about 43% of you are male submissives (hello boys!). The vast majority are either straight (69%) or heteroflexible (27%). Strangely, about a third are in the 18-35 age bracket, about a third are in the 46-55 age bracket, but only about 18% are in my age group (35-45) with the remainder being over 55.

About 20% of you are dominant women (which I *love* – it makes me feel like I have kin!). 53% are straight, with the alternatives being spread pretty evenly over pansexual, heteroflexible, queer and bisexual (all between 7 and 13%). Overall you are younger than the men with 53% being in the 18-35 bracket, 30% in the 36-45 age bracket, 13% 46-55, with the remainder being over 55.

Of the male switches:

  • 47% are 18-35
  • 29% are 36-45
  • 12% in each of the 46-55 and 56-65 age groups
  • 53% of you are straight
  • 35% are heteroflexible
  • 6% are bisexual.

Of the 8% of female switches

  • 54% are 18-35
  • 39% are 36-45
  • 7% are 46-55
  • 46% of you are heteroflexible (greedy girls!)
  • 31% are pansexual
  • 23% are straight

One of you is a dominant male!!! Yay you!

Explanation of categories:

  1. “In the Bedroom” – as a spice to sex
  2. ~
  3. “Scenes” – may involve sex or not
  4. ~
  5. “Kinked-up Day to Day” – light play whenever, chores are part of the dynamic, big decisions are made on an equal basis
  6. ~
  7. “Not Quite Everything” – the dom is in charge of most things, but there are carve outs, like family relationships, job, children
  8. ~
  9. “Really Everything Total Power Exchange” – no exceptions to the dom’s authority
  10. None

The majority of you want a D/s relationship with “Not Quite Everything” – where the dominant is in charge of most things, but there are carve outs, like family relationships, job, children. The majority of you have… well… nothing (it sucks, but we can hold hands and sing kumbaya while we work on it!).

I loved the responses to this question, I found it really fascinating. There was a pretty close race between the top four reasons, which I also loved (that there was more than one clear answer as to why people read).

I had a peek at submissive men’s answers, thinking the play would be at the top, but no! The top response of 70% was that you wanted to get a dominant woman’s perspective on things – see how much I was stereotyping you? Shame on me!

83% of dominant women read because my thoughts on D/s in general make them think, *then* came the 69% *childish titter* who think the play stories are hot (I think so too, and I am so happy when women can relate!).

About 24% of you ticked the ‘other’ box and added comments, which were lovely and I will share them in another post.

Now, having said all of that, the above stats are clearly just wrong… only a third of you think I am magnificent? I mean, really, that beggars belief! I know you folks are all smart and perceptive, so there was obviously a glitch in the survey somewhere!

Look, look see below…!

See? See???!! Venn diagrams never lie.

Loves: 1
Please wait…

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  1. Interesting results! I did join in the survey and it was fun. Glad you took the time to put all those graphs together. Only one dominant male though? That is a surprise!

  2. I also took part in your survey. Liked the graphs apart from the Venn it brought back nightmares of drawing them while I was at university. I'm a new reader and all ready you are torturing me!! (drooling is now under control lol)


  3. Eden: “Interesting results! I did join in the survey and it was fun.”

    Oh, thank you for doing so – I'm glad it was fun! I thought the results were interesting also. The ones with free text are going to be difficult to share, I will have to have a think about that.

    “Only one dominant male though? That is a surprise!”

    *laugh* I have to admit that I'm surprised there is one at all!


  4. Anonymous ID: “I also took part in your survey.”

    Thank you for doing so! I shall seek out the gibberish, then I will know it's you (though the photo was at the end, so probably there is minimal gibberish content).

    “I'm a new reader and all ready you are torturing me!!”

    I like to get the newbies early, you know… then build 'em from the ground up. Consider it the welcome wagon…


  5. I'm going to be uncharacteristically serious for a moment.

    I'm 52, male, straight, and self-identify as “kinky” (not submissive).

    You're not a 20-something flibbertigibbet; you're a mature, thinking woman. I read your blog because you write well, and you offer up some good perspectives. I don't remember how I tripped over this, but you're on my regular “to read” list because you always have something interesting.

    Yes, even without the daily cartoons.

  6. This one would like to thank you for introducing him to the wonders of graphs. This one spent a few hours last night making graphs and now feels he needs to go out and get some kind of information so he can make a graph about it.

    This one has also taken up speaking in third person which seems to make half the people he talks to hate him and the other half think he's a least twice as intelligent as he actually is.

    This one has yet to meet someone who thinks third person is hilarious.

  7. Tom: “I read your blog because you write well, and you offer up some good perspectives… you're on my regular “to read” list because you always have something interesting.”

    *smile* Thank you Tom for your serious moment – I appreciate it very much.

    Having put your criteria into my magic 8 ball, I can tell you that you are a single unique category of reader all by your lonesome. See, you knew you were special right?


  8. Brids: “This one would like to thank you for introducing him to the wonders of graphs.”

    You are most welcome, it is my aim in life to help expand the limits of people's lives, though of course that third person speak is, I think, supposed to imply that you are no longer a person but an it, or at least a slave, or maybe a broach or a hat…

    “This one has yet to meet someone who thinks third person is hilarious.”

    Is 'hilarious' the same as 'annoying and distracting'? Then yes, you found one right here!


  9. slapshot: “Great stuff! …. I've always wanted to be part of someone's pie chart. Makes me fell almost … well … semi-important”

    Not just pie, slapshot, bar as well!!! That must make you doubly important! And Venn (oh dear, you will get a swelled head over this…!)


  10. Tom: “Yes, even without the daily cartoons.”

    Ha! I almost let this slip by unnoticed… that was you! You can't thank Eris anymore now that you have outed yourself as a suck up!

    *happy dance*

    Plus, I have now indulged you not once, not twice, but thrice (great word, that… thrice…!)!! I guess that means I am bottoming from the top… oh, the shame…


  11. “or maybe a broach”

    This one wonders if being a broach would mean being up against a girls chest all day…

    “Is 'hilarious' the same as 'annoying and distracting'? Then yes, you found one right here!”

    This one doesn't consider it the same thing unless it at least makes you giggles. This one finds he's at least 30% happier when speaking in third person.

  12. For the record, may I state the obvious:

    You, Ferns, are indeed magnificent. You are awesome, superior, wonderful, vertical.

    I always wanted to be in the sweet spot of a Venn Diagram, but I never dreamed I'd be in the sweet spot of yours, baby.

  13. Brids: “This one wonders if being a broach would mean being up against a girls chest all day…”

    Much more likely to be in grandma's bottom drawer smelling of lilacs.


  14. Yardbird: “You, Ferns, are indeed magnificent. You are awesome, superior, wonderful, vertical.”

    Best. Suck up. Ever!! Vertical cannot be beat! It is a much ignored, but vital, quality of magnificence… Thank you Yardbird.

    “I always wanted to be in the sweet spot of a Venn Diagram, but I never dreamed I'd be in the sweet spot of yours, baby.”

    *laugh* This *so* made me laugh first thing in the morning (in fact, I am still laughing!).

    This entire comment made my day! I might even let you have some ice cream.


  15. “Much more likely to be in grandma's bottom drawer smelling of lilacs.”

    This one will take being a hat then. (provided it's a very tall hat on a very tall person)

  16. AngelSam: “I'm one of the ones who said you were magnificent! Oh, and I LOVE your venn diagrams!”

    Thank you!! You are *so* in the sweet spot of the venn diagram!


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