On frantic writing

“Giving yourself permission to write horribly is a really liberating process.”
– Chris Baty (founder of NaNoWriMo)

With that in mind, I am taking part in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) in November, along with *every other blogger in the world who thinks they have a novel in them* (that’s ALL of us, you realise that, right?).

The objective of NaNo (see, how I am shortening it, like I am one of the cool kids?!) is to write 50,000 words in the 30 days of November; that’s 1667 words a day. The goal is to write quantity, not quality… to avoid working and reworking that one sentence in favour of just getting the story onto the page. Best case, at the end, I will have written the first, very rough draft of an awesome piece of work. Worst case, I will have written completely incoherent ramblings that make me cringe, and I will never want to write anything ever again, EVER.

Of course it will be erotic fiction with a D/s theme (what else?!), and probably at least partly autobiographical, because fiction is not my forte. So far all I have done is toyed with some titles, that’s all (because procrastinating by pretending the title is pivotal to the effort is easier than tackling an actual storyline!):

– Graceful degradation
– Kneeling grace
– Passion for pain
– My boy and me
– Kneel, boy
– Inside him
– Shed your skin, let’s get started
– On love and pain
– Hurt me, I love you
– Pretty boy thing
– Whimper

Any more ideas welcome. Also a non-linear plot, some complex subplots, and some compelling characters…

I may post extracts here as I go (some for pure comedic value, I am sure), and I might add a word counter that I update daily to help keep me on track (see now, searching for such a blog widget is suddenly my next procrastination project… I am going to struggle, I can tell… oooh, look… shiny!!).

I will try not to be incessantly whiny about it during November, but I can’t promise. Fellow NaNo-ers… feel free to gripe, whine, panic and generally cause havoc here whenever you want.

Loves: 2
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  1. I'd like to think that if you wrote a novel I'd read it regardless of whether it was amazing or incoherent rambling (My money is on the former) however my brain forces me to mentally correct the title to “My boy and I”

    It would be torture to see “and me” sitting on my bookshelf everyday (and not the good kind of torture.)

  2. Peroxide: “I'd like to think that if you wrote a novel I'd read it regardless of whether it was amazing or incoherent rambling (My money is on the former)…”

    Heh… thank you!

    “…however my brain forces me to mentally correct the title to “My boy and I””

    You do know, of course, that “My boy and me” is perfectly correct, depending on context?

    Quick refresher here.

    Most people are obsessed with using “x and I”, but sometimes it's just wrong.


  3. Peroxide: I'd add to the above that I was thinking of “Between my boy and me” and shortened it. If I had been thinking “My boy and I went to the shop” and shortened it, then I can see the twitching…

    Stop twitching!!


  4. Peroxide: “I want to stop, but I just can't. I should probably get help.”

    I hear some tight bondage works for that. You should look into that!


  5. You are a great writer, we all know that here, but titles maybe aren't your strength. They all kinda sound like cheap romance kitsch novels… I still think you should try to write a novel though. How about using a phrase from one of your stories as a title?

  6. N: “You are a great writer, we all know that here, but titles maybe aren't your strength. They all kinda sound like cheap romance kitsch novels…”

    *laugh* Dammit… Mills and Boon *should* have some D/s romance!!

    See I started there because I thought that would be the *easy* bit… *sigh*


  7. “shed your skin, let's get started”

    Is that a Crowded House lyric or a Whitlams one? I'm going to have to listen to all my CDs till I figure it out.

  8. I have to agree, I don't like any of the titles a whole lot either. Not that they are bad… but your writing has a depth not found in a cheap romance novel. Mind you, I admit to enjoying occasional romance novels just for the horniness, but I return here daily for the soul of it. So the obvious titles would not nod to your writing, as I feel it should. The title should be less in your face, but pique an interest. 'Hurt me, I love you' might be the one I'd pick if I had to choose.

    I'd totally love a Ferns novel for Christmas. Can we get autographed copies??

    “Terrifying and hilarious and calm and almost courtly whispers from a scary place…” That's it there… it really says it all. I remember fist coming here, reading that and saying “Yeah, I get it!” Courtly Whispers or something… You have a sensuality and motion that draws people in instead of 'BACHOW SUPER LATEX BITCH'… or so is my take on it. Honestly, I wonder if super latex bitch smells… she'd have to shower 2 or 3 times a day! I ponder these things… *wanders off mumbling after some coffee

  9. Sweets: “I have to agree, I don't like any of the titles a whole lot either.”

    I appreciate the input. Maybe I need to do a 'give me a title' post… probably most doable once I have an actual plot… or something…

    “I'd totally love a Ferns novel for Christmas. Can we get autographed copies??”

    Ha! Absolutely. I have to practice my signature…!

    “”Terrifying and hilarious and calm and almost courtly whispers from a scary place…” That's it there… it really says it all.”

    Yes!! Oh god, I sooo love that (and, point taken!). My ex *the professional writer* wrote that to me way back when. I'm sure he won't mind if I mine his emails etc for other likely candidates… that's not like cheating is it? Nahh…

    And thank you for the lovely anti “BACHOW SUPER LATEX BITCH” compliments *smile*.

    “Honestly, I wonder if super latex bitch smells…”

    *laugh* At the last BDSM club I went to, there was a gorgeous latex-clad man, head to toe in a black shiny latex catsuit, including hood and stiletto heeled boots. He looked amazing, and I wandered over to compliment him but when I got about 5 feet away… oh my goodness… he really really *stank*. It was unbearably awful. I veered off in another direction. Style does not trump stinkiness!!


  10. If you wrote a book, I'd buy the hardcover. On that note, “Inside Him” is the only title that I think has merit. Because of course titles are so important, especially at this stage. XD

    /Doing nano, too

  11. Ferns,

    I second the notion on buying the hard cover first day released. I am sure many of Your followers would. I have to admit, Your writing is often the subject of a potential subs task. “go here, read this” Simply because it is soooooo Fucking Hot and…….well W/we think somewhat alike =).

    Back to that book….please do, and might I add a request ……that all loyal followers that “preorder” will get an autographed copy???

    I know Christmas would way be cutting it short…….but then again You could cheat, and just compile this blogg into a book.

    You know W/we would buy it *smiles*. (*preorder autograph should still apply* ) and call it ……ummmm idk…… Domme Chronicles…….by Ferns ???

    Love and support from the not so sunny state of NY.


  12. – Passion for pain

    No, no, that's perfect!

    I'm picturing a paperback novel with a red cover, and bright, lurid yellow text. The cover art is a side shot of a thigh-booted, raven-haired woman in a white, low-cut blouse with a visible black bra. She's idly swinging a whip while smirking at a well-muscled blond man who is handcuffed to her bed.

    The title and subtitle read:

    A Passion for PAIN
    She kissed the boys and made them cry…

    Trust me, it would sell like hotcakes. Just mention me fondly in the credits.

  13. Picking the title first makes it harder not easier. See the trouble you're having just finding the right one? As you begin to write, whether consciously or not, you're going to have a preconception of how the story must go so to relate it to the title.

    Like the example, If the title is A Passion for Pain, your mind will probably go toward a masochist for the main character and might get a little heavy. Change it to The Passion and The Pain and you're open to not only revealing the masochist if you want, but also maybe the pain is just the struggle within the lifestyle. Either one could be good but again a title first focuses you in a direction.

    You have an awesome way with words. Just let them flow like the directive says. I'm sure written within You will find and know the perfect title.

  14. Anonymous: “Because of course titles are so important, especially at this stage. XD”

    *laugh* Exactly… titles are the perfect excuse for procrastination on any *other* planning… I mean… yeah, they are really really important!!

    “Doing nano, too”

    Oh oh!! Good for you!!! When (if) I post updates/whine annoyingly/skite you can pipe up with a progress report and we can celebrate/commiserate!


  15. You know Ferns, if you get really stuck for a title, there are always random title generators like this one,

    I came up with “The Viking Hundredaire's Feminist Countess”. OK… so it might not be exactly what you're looking for but it's fun to see what comes up when you hit the “Get me a title” button. Best of all, the little button doesn't say “submit” so you don't have to pretend that you didn't.

    In any case, you turn a mean phrase and you know all about those writtery things, like proper use of semi-colons and past participles and stuff, so whatever you eventually come up with will be well worth the wait.

  16. Ferns said … N: Maybe I'm just starting the 'writing horribly' thing with the title… yeah, that's it…!!

    This is exceptionally clever of you! People will underestimate you and when they start reading … kaboom!
    I'm looking forward to reading that novel.

  17. Jewels: “I second the notion on buying the hard cover first day released.”

    *smile* Thank you!

    “Back to that book….please do, and might I add a request ……that all loyal followers that “preorder” will get an autographed copy???”

    I LOVE the idea of pre-ordering, then if it's complete rubbish, I already have the moneys!! Bwuhahahahaa… etc…

    “…call it ……ummmm idk…… Domme Chronicles…….by Ferns ???”

    *laugh* Now THAT is worth doing JUST because the title would already be sorted!

    “Love and support from the not so sunny state of NY.”

    I appreciate it, thank you!


  18. Tom: “A Passion for PAIN
    She kissed the boys and made them cry…”

    Ooohh… see I really like that tag line! I think I am drawn to the cliche and trite, which scares me a little…

    “Pfffff. Go with the sleazy and lurid. Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste and intelligence of the average consumer.”

    “Sleazy and lurid” is definitely something worth aiming for… heh. Dark back alleys and takedown scenes that have no basis in reality… *nod nod*


  19. Chimerical1: “Picking the title first makes it harder not easier. See the trouble you're having just finding the right one? As you begin to write, whether consciously or not, you're going to have a preconception of how the story must go so to relate it to the title.”

    You make a good point. I am still contemplating soo many options and approaches with how to tackle this, and you could well be right.

    “You have an awesome way with words. Just let them flow like the directive says. I'm sure written within You will find and know the perfect title.”

    *smile* Thank you for the encouragement. I suspect I will muck about for the next week, end up doing no planning, have no title and no outline, and end up doing exactly what you said.


  20. slapshot: “…if you get really stuck for a title, there are always random title generators”


    The Arabian Trillionaire's Depraved Mistress


    “…whatever you eventually come up with will be well worth the wait.”

    Thank you for your blind faith!! Blind faith is the best kind!!


  21. We all know what a great writer you are and yes, your Achilles high heel would be titles. These few humble offerings are free for the asking! You don't have to ask even!

    Inside Angus
    Bringing Angus Inside
    Sending Angus Outside
    Little Angus
    Good Boy, Angus
    Angus's Travels
    Dangerous Liaisons with Angus (best one!)
    Kneel Angus!
    Heel Angus!
    Punishing Angus
    Probing Angus
    Angus meets Ferns: Pain, Passion and Protocol
    Angus of Green Gables

    I have more. I'll keep them in a safe, secure place just in case. I did like Tom's cover art suggestion immensely. You got style, Tom!


  22. Coug and why she is the bestester evah springs to mind as an excellent title


  23. Angus: “I have more. I'll keep them in a safe, secure place just in case.”

    Thank you, Angus. I appreciate the depth of thought that you have put into this and shall take your kind suggestions and give them the serious consideration that they deserve…


  24. Coug soon to be immortalised in print: “Coug and why she is the bestester evah springs to mind as an excellent title”

    Thank you, Coug. See comment above…


  25. Angus of Green Gables
    Hypnotized by her beauty, enslaved by his desires, a young man surrenders to deviant passions of his housekeeper.

    Screw the stories, can I just write a whole boatload of titles and subtitles?

  26. I really like the concept of the whole writing for a month thing – and since i'm sure my own writing wouldn't contain a whole lot of depth or anything of real substance myself I could use the time limit as an excuse! lol. i won't try it this year, got way too much else on but i will wish you the best of luck with it :-)

  27. kinky bloke: “…since i'm sure my own writing wouldn't contain a whole lot of depth or anything of real substance myself I could use the time limit as an excuse!”

    *smile* I know what you mean! I actually expect that what trips off my fingertips is going to be unbearably dull, but at least I will know when I am finished!

    “i will wish you the best of luck with it”

    Thank you!


  28. *shakes fist angrily at computer screen*

    Damn you, Ferns, I think you might have just inspired me. This way lies madness, I am sure. I'm tempted though… oh, oh, I think I might..!


  29. J: “Damn you, Ferns, I think you might have just inspired me. This way lies madness, I am sure. I'm tempted though… oh, oh, I think I might..!”

    *delighted laugh* YESSSS!!!

    Look, I have a widget *points top right*!! You can get one too! We can compare the size of our widgets! *eyebrow waggle*


  30. See, there's me asking questions over there and you're answering them here. There simply aren't enough pictures here for me to visit *that* often.

    Bon chance with your Nando's but title first? Ermm…Form before function? You wouldn't would you?

    If a picture paints a thousand words, would it be cheating to simply publish 50 pictures of yourself. You KNOW there are people waiting to see them and it would be most appealing to the many one-armed bandits who wait pateintly. Surely your writing isn't just for the women :)

    Good luck and hope you enjoy the expression, the creativity and the passion.


  31. somethingstrange: “…but title first? Ermm…Form before function? You wouldn't would you?”

    I totally would if any of them were any good!!!

    “If a picture paints a thousand words, would it be cheating to simply publish 50 pictures of yourself. You KNOW there are people waiting to see them and it would be most appealing to the many one-armed bandits who wait pateintly. Surely your writing isn't just for the women”

    *laugh* I believe that would indeed be cheating yes, though I shall keep the idea up my sleeve just in case I get desperate!

    “Good luck and hope you enjoy the expression, the creativity and the passion.”

    Thank you!


  32. I'm singed up for Nano as well – we'll see if I actually get anything done. I may be commiserating with you at some point during the month. I tend to be a sprinter and not a marathon runner when it comes to fiction, so this will be a major stretch for me.

    As far as titles, I think I'm partial to “Hurt me, I love you” or “Pretty boy thing.” I can't even begin a fic myself if I don't have a title firmly in mind first.

  33. Amai: “I'm singed up for Nano as well – we'll see if I actually get anything done.”

    Yes!! Good for you!

    “I may be commiserating with you at some point during the month. I tend to be a sprinter and not a marathon runner when it comes to fiction, so this will be a major stretch for me.”

    You have described me to a T… I think my longest blog post here is probably no more than 1000 words, my private writings (some of which make it to my blog, some don't) are likewise 'snippet-ish' and random. I think the goal and the public declaration of it will help me give it my best shot… like you, we shall see…

    “As far as titles, I think I'm partial to “Hurt me, I love you” or “Pretty boy thing.” I can't even begin a fic myself if I don't have a title firmly in mind first.”

    Thank you. I thought a title might give me a sense of achievement (a boost!) before starting… But I have learnt that apparently I am rubbish at them… Not an auspicious start!! *laugh*


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