I know a lot of you are waiting for an update on the cougarling’s visit, and it’s coming.
I blame him for the lack of posting: He ended up staying until pretty much 3 hours before I had to pack up and head off on the first leg of a trip overseas, and I will have NO time to myself for another couple of weeks.
So you will just have to wait.
I know: waiting is the WORST!
In the meantime, have this photo of my hand on his beautiful arse as consolation.
It’s a good arse but not you know, perfect ;)
Well, your arse is, of course, the most perfectly perfect that has ever perfected. EVERYONE knows that!
His though… oh my… And look how beautifully it fits in my hand! Jesus.
Just right for digging those lovely nails in too
Thank you for the teaser and have safe travels!
Oooohhhh how lovely :)
I look forward to hearing about it. I need good news after my shit show!!
Absolutely looking forward to hearing all about it, but take your time… No worries
*rocks back and forth in anticipation*
Cute hand, by the way!
I like the way he was happy to wear nail pollish and grab his own arse while you took a picture.
Though I don’t understand how he has two right hands?
*looks at date this was posted, realises two weeks is nearly over, breathes a sigh of relief
Yeah for you!!!! xxoo
Ha! Thank you for the lovely comments, and thank you for your patience and enthusiasm.
Took me forever didn’t it :P?